LOCALS have been left counting down the days until tarmac is removed from a street after hundred-year-old cobbles were covered during road works.
The works on Edinburgh’s Frederick Street left locals outraged when it was discovered that the iconic cobbles of Auld Reekie’s road were to be temporarily tarmacked over.
Now photos reveal the finished product with the works ending and locals left thoroughly divided by the result.
Despite the tarmac reportedly being a temporary solution, some locals of the capital are less than impressed with the eyesore on their streets.
An image captured by one passerby yesterday shows the “brutal” result of the roadworks with locals taking to social media to express their displeasure.
The image shows the tarmac, already cracking, slapped across the cobbles that used to dominate the road.
With a strip of black tarmac covering only the middle of the road, the roadworks have left the street looking unfinished and unsightly.
Despite the tarmac being a temporary measure, locals were still left upset with the state of Frederick Street.
Sharing a photo of the finished product to social media, the unimpressed onlooker said: “It was bad to drive on don’t get me wrong, but this is brutal.
“How on earth do this council get away with what they do?”
The image has garnered a lot of attention from other residents of the capital, gaining over 50 likes and more than 40 comments from people seeing both sides of the measures.
One user wrote: “It’s a temporary layer of tarmac laid down over the setts to protect them until proper repairs can be made to the road.
“Relaying setts is expensive and there are a limited number of people who can do it properly so often it’s not possible to do straight away.”
Another then replied: “Like the ones in Leith that have been there for years?”
A third commented: “The council installed ‘temporary’ portacabins at my school in the 80s. We all hated them. My daughter uses them now. This street will never be re-sett.”
Another added: “I’ll take it for the time being. It was genuinely dangerous on a motorcycle and was 100% damaging cars.”
A fifth said: “That looks like utter s**t. Embarrassing.”