NewsLocal NewsFury as Edinburgh’s hundred-year-old cobbles are tarmacked over in roadworks 

Fury as Edinburgh’s hundred-year-old cobbles are tarmacked over in roadworks 

THE City of Edinburgh Council has come under fire online after roadworks covered hundred-year-old cobbles in tarmac.  

Locals were outraged that the cobbles on Frederick Street in the city centre were spotted being tarmacked over by work crews yesterday.  

The covering of the cobbles is being undertaken by the council as standard road maintenance work.

Plans put in place by the city council as far back as 2010 are aimed at revitalising and pedestrianising the city centre, prompting some locals to suggest the works were part of this project.  

Residents branded the works 'awful.'
Residents branded the works ‘awful.’

Design proposals for George Street were approved in 2016 by the city council with both stakeholders and the public offering input.  

George Street is due to undergo major works including the removal of the old cobbles, widening pavements, removing parking bays and introducing landscaped seating areas.  

Despite local conjecture, a council spokesperson said the works pictured on Frederick Street are not a part of this project.

Despite this the works seems to have left some residents of Auld Reekie displeased, with the cobbles themselves being upwards of 100 years old.  

The cobbles will be replaced with granite setts according to the council, but locals are furious nonetheless, with a number of angry social media posts being made.  

One social media user said: “They’re laying tarmac over Frederick Street cobblestones in Edinburgh. What bloody next?”  

Speaking to Edinburgh Live one resident said: “It looks awful.”  

Another added: “Edinburgh Council have just tarmacked the entire of Fredrick Street over the hundreds of years old cobbles. Looks awful.” 

Transport and environment convener, Councillor Stephen Jenkinson said: “Following an inspection of the carriageway which revealed defects, we’ve put in a temporary running surface over the top of the existing setts.

“This is to ensure the carriageway is safe for all road users.  

“This temporary measure will ultimately be replaced with granite setts.”

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