Partner Posts7 Ways Fleet Maintenance Software Can Benefit Your Company

7 Ways Fleet Maintenance Software Can Benefit Your Company

Did you know fleet vehicles account for six in 10 new vehicles sold in Europe? Meanwhile, fleet vehicles account for 71% of new-car emissions.

If your business has fleet vehicles and wants to be a responsible steward of the environment, it doesn’t have to choose one over the other. Unless your business has a fleet of electric vehicles, your cars, vans, and SUVs will produce harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

However, taking good care of internal combustion engine cars will help reduce emissions that pollute the environment. Fleet maintenance software will help on that front. But it’ll offer more benefits than that.

Here are seven ways fleet maintenance software can protect vehicular assets and benefit your company.

Photo by Florian Krumm on Unsplash
Photo by Florian Krumm on Unsplash

1. Improved Vehicle Uptime

Unplanned downtime is something all businesses fear. If downtime is planned, you’ll have more control. You can inform employees and keep customers in the loop so they’re not left in the dark.

But when it happens out of the blue, that’s a big problem. It means workers might sit around with nothing to do, and customers may be disappointed since orders will take longer to arrive.

When using fleet maintenance software, your business can track essential vehicle maintenance tasks to keep your fleet in good shape and reduce the odds of breakdowns that take your vehicles off the road. 

Unexpected breakdowns are always possible, and that’s true even if you’re up to date with maintenance. Even so, you can use fleet maintenance software to reduce the chances of that occurring.

2. Cost Savings

Another benefit your business will get when using fleet maintenance software is cost savings. Routine maintenance will keep your vehicles functioning properly and reduce the instances of breakdowns requiring costly repairs. If your fleet of vehicles is essential to your business’ orderly functioning, investing in fleet maintenance software makes sense.

You can pay now — and save by prioritizing maintenance — or pay later — skipping fleet maintenance software and facing costly repairs due to a lack of proper maintenance.

3. Better Fuel Efficiency

Properly maintained vehicles will operate better and burn less fuel. Considering that fuel is one of the highest fleet vehicle costs, your business will benefit by investing in fleet maintenance software. Such software will help improve fuel efficiency.

4. Customizable Alerts

A good fleet maintenance software package will allow for customizable alerts. That’ll ensure you receive notifications for specific things like oil changes, tire pressure issues, and brake inspections.

Getting these customizable alerts will reduce the odds of important maintenance tasks falling between the cracks. There’ll be less of a risk of breakdowns that cause unplanned downtime.

5. Better Customer Service

When your fleet vehicles remain on the road rather than in a repair shop, customers will be happier. Few things upset customers more than delays. If you provide an estimated time of arrival and can’t honor that estimate because of breakdowns, customer satisfaction rates will dip.

6. Faster Repairs

Fleet maintenance software will also lead to faster repairs. When staying on top of routine maintenance, you’ll know when different vehicle components require repairs. Your business can be proactive rather than reactive.

7. Enhanced Safety

Your drivers will be safer when the fleet vehicles are maintained routinely rather than haphazardly. Taking proper care of your company’s vehicles will reduce the odds of accidents and breakdowns stemming from mechanical malfunctions.

If your company has a fleet of vehicles, fleet maintenance software makes sense. It’s about working smarter rather than harder. Failing to leverage the power of such a platform can cost you big time. It’s worth exploring how much fleet maintenance software can help.

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