EntertainmentEdinburgh businesswoman's debut novel inspired by her six months at sea after...

Edinburgh businesswoman’s debut novel inspired by her six months at sea after selling house and living in yacht

AN EDINBURGH businesswoman’s debut novel is inspired by her six months at sea after she sold her house and lived in a yacht.

Claire Burns’ novel What if..? celebrates modern womanhood and is the result of a project started over 20 years ago as she sailed around the Greek islands with her husband.

Both qualified skippers, the couple sold their home after meeting at university to live aboard a 35-foot sailing yacht.

After finishing the Mediterranean adventure, the couple moved to Edinburgh in September 2001 and becoming a mum to three boys saw her pause the book idea. 

Author Claire Burns posing with her debut novel What If..?
Claire’s novel is based on her own experiences at sea.

Last year, though, saw her return to the project, with the recently published novel attracting sales from as far afield as Japan and the USA as well as closer to home in the UK. 

Drawing from her own experiences during those six months at sea, the book centres around Rachel Logan and her quest to find the strength to take control of her destiny despite the doubts, fears, and societal expectations that so many women face. 

Claire, who is a UX designer, said: “I just love writing and was determined to finish what I had started all those years ago.

“I believe Rachel’s story is as relevant today as ever.

She is a strong, empowered woman who seeks to take control of her life but grapples with vulnerability and confusion – a theme that resonates deeply with me.

“Women often face the challenge of questioning their direction while feeling unsupported or pigeonholed.

“I feel that the journey of staying true to oneself while overcoming self-doubt needs to be told.

“This isn’t a story about finding a prince or winning the lottery. It’s not about being saved; it’s about looking within and finding the emotional resilience and courage to choose your own path. 

“It has been great getting this one published, and all being well, there will be at least one or two more to follow when I can find the time!” 

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