LOCALS have issued a warning to motorists and cyclists after finding a number of dangerous caltrops spread across a busy Edinburgh street.
The caltrops were found in numbers on bustling Leith Walk with several people reporting damage to cars and bikes with at least one person supposedly injured by the nasty-looking spikes.
They were spotted yesterday, having been spread across the pavement and the road by an unknown individual.
The caltrops consist of two pieces of sharp metal attached together to form a four-pointed shape.

Fairly large, the caltrops’ spikes have reportedly punctured tyres and even stabbed through one local’s shoe.
The homemade anti-vehicle traps were even spread in the bike lanes which cover a portion of the pavement on the street.
After they were discovered images of them were shared to social media with some locals reporting them to the police.
Others took matters into their own hands and went to clear up the caltrops themselves, with one resident reportedly collecting a box of them before handing them in to a nearby police station.
The original post showing the caltrops was made to social media yesterday with the caption: “Someone’s dropping caltrops on Leith Walk?
“I just trod on one of these outside the library on Leith Walk, in the bike lane. Went right through my shoe, found another one nearby. Anyone seen these before?”
It has since received over 660 likes and more than 120 comments from concerned locals on social media.
One wrote: “Thought this had stopped. Similar thing happened last year. But was on the cycle path that goes along Water of Leith. Definitely police report.”
Another replied: “That’s awful, that’s what ruined my partner’s tyre at 19:15 today between McDonald Rd and Pilrig St crossing of Leith Walk (going down [the] side).”
A third said: “Went out to look in the same spot this morning. Can confirm these are everywhere. Phoned the police to come by.
“Edit: no police response. Picked them up and walked them to the police station myself. Council coming by to sweep the paths and police have an open investigation.”
Another commented: “This is almost certainly coming from anti-bike psychos.
“Traps and vandalism designed to injure, maim, and deter bike users has been a thing for yonks but it appears to be picking up alongside other vandalism like in LTNs (low traffic neighbourhoods).”
A fifth added: “Can someone explain why anybody would do this?”
Police Scotland have been contacted for comment.