BusinessSELECT managing director calls for regulation of electricians following Grenfell Inquiry

SELECT managing director calls for regulation of electricians following Grenfell Inquiry

SELECT managing director Alan Wilson has reiterated the urgent need for the regulation of electricians.

This comes in the wake of the Grenfell Inquiry’s recommendations for a major reform of the construction industry.

Speaking on The Clive Holland Show on Fix Radio, Wilson highlighted the importance of ensuring consumers can trust the electricians working in their homes and businesses.

His comments follow inquiry chair Sir Martin Moore-Bick’s call for a construction regulator to oversee all aspects of the sector, underscoring the need for stricter oversight.

A headshot of a grey-haired man with glasses, wearing a suit and tie, placed next to an image of a yellow electrocution warning sign on a wire fence.
Wilson appeared on Fix Radio, a station aimed at tradespeople.

The managing director of Scotland’s largest construction trade association has been at the forefront of a campaign for protection of title in the electrical profession for several years.

This has been supported by bodies such as the Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB) and Unite the Union.

The aim is to make it a statutory offence to falsely claim the title of electrician without proper qualifications.

Addressing Fix Radio’s 450,000 weekly listeners, Wilson said: “In our sector, there is already a measure of self-regulation.

“But, there is no legal requirement to be registered, which is why we have taken up the cudgels on the issue, particularly over the past six or seven years.”

He compared the regulation of electricians to professions like teaching and medicine, emphasising that professionals must prove their qualifications.

He added: “You wouldn’t want anyone teaching your children or treating you in hospital if they weren’t qualified.

“It’s really important that we have the proper people installing electrical products.”

Founded in 1900, SELECT is Scotland’s largest construction trade association.

Collectively, its 1,240 member businesses have an annual turnover of around £1bn and employ more than 15,000 people and 3,500 apprentices.

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