NewsDoctor slammed for “out of touch” social media post claiming his painter...

Doctor slammed for “out of touch” social media post claiming his painter earns more than healthcare or education staff

A DOCTOR has been slammed for an “out of touch” post on social media claiming that a painter he hired earns more than healthcare or education staff. 

Dr Dan Goyal wrote the post yesterday, detailing how much he had paid the tradesman for a recent job. 

The NHS consultant compared the £30 hourly rate with the pay of most people working in medical or education settings, writing of “how little we value those that look after our lives”. 

However, he has been quickly criticised for failing to understand the financial implications of being self-employed, and that the £30 would quickly dwindle. 

A screenshot of a social media post. It reads: “I recently paid my painter £30 per hour. He did a good job - better than I could have. It then dawned on me that he earns more than the vast majority of healthcare and education staff.  Quite something, how little we value those that look after our lives and our kids’ futures?”
The post generated some heated discussion online. (C) @danielgoyal/X

Many were quick to point out the painter’s overheads for insurance, training, materials and tools. 

As a consequence of being self-employed, he would also receive no holiday pay, sick pay or pension, nor would he have a guarantee of getting work. 

Dan’s post read: “I recently paid my painter £30 per hour. He did a good job – better than I could have.  

“It then dawned on me that he earns more than the vast majority of healthcare and education staff.  

“Quite something, how little we value those that look after our lives and our kids’ futures?” 

It has since received over 7,900 likes and more than 2,200 comments from unimpressed Brits quick to hit back at him. 

One wrote: “You’re actually an idiot who doesn’t understand what being self-employed actually entails.  

“Does he have a pension like yours? Sick pay? Holiday pay? Paternity pay? Does he get his mileage on expenses for working at a different location?  

“Do his rates have to be competitive and at a market rate or can he hold the government to ransom by going on strike?  

“No as you’d hire someone else and also no to every other question you self-obsessed arrogant t**t. 

“Not to mention all the other overheads that go into that cost. His van, brushes, dust sheets, overalls, fuel, servicing of the vehicle, insurance both motor and public liability. 

“Out of that £30 an hour he’s probably getting £10 profit. That’s his actual wage.” 

A second agreed: “Imagine not understanding what being self-employed entails. So out of touch with reality.” 

Another also interrogated him: “How many years of work did you give your painter? How long did you spend training him, what pension are you going to be giving him?  

“I assume you will continue to employ the painter in a permanent job for the rest of their lives if they chose?” 

A fourth commented: That’s his turnover Doctor, not his gross salary. You need to deduct his expenses to get that. Happy to help.” 

Another added: “Yeah, because the precarious nature of being self-employed is directly comparable with a safe, secure public sector job with lashings of benefits. Tool breath.” 

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