Partner PostsInstructure's Intelligent Insights: Empowering EdTech in the Age of AI

Instructure’s Intelligent Insights: Empowering EdTech in the Age of AI

The integration of AI in education has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn. AI-powered tools can automate routine tasks, personalize learning experiences, and provide educators with valuable insights into student performance. However, many educational institutions lack the resources and expertise to effectively implement AI solutions.

Instructure, the leading learning technology ecosystem and maker of Canvas LMS, launched Intelligent Insights, a new product powered by AI and analytics, unlocking a level of self-service reporting capabilities generally unavailable to educational institutions. Once enabled, Intelligent Insights integrates seamlessly with Canvas and is accessible via the new Analytics Hub. Through Intelligent Insights, users can customize leading and lagging criteria to understand which students might need extra support, evaluate course readiness, understand LTI usage and ask complex questions with the “Ask Your Data” conversational AI feature to generate impactful insight reports within minutes.

Photo by Florian Krumm on Unsplash
Photo by Florian Krumm on Unsplash

Intelligent Insights: Key Features and Benefits

Intelligent Insights is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to educators and administrators with varying levels of technical expertise. Its key features include:

  • Ask Your Data: This conversational AI feature allows users to query data using natural language, making complex data analysis accessible to all. Educators can ask questions about student performance, course readiness, and LTI usage, and receive insightful reports within minutes.
  • Students in Need of Attention: This feature enables proactive monitoring of institution-defined leading and lagging indicators, giving educators better visibility of students who might need extra support. By identifying at-risk students early on, educators can intervene and provide targeted assistance.
  • Course Readiness: This feature assesses the preparedness of courses and ensures consistent, high-quality educational delivery. Administrators can use this information to identify areas for improvement and ensure that all courses meet the institution’s standards and requirements.
  • LTI Usage Reporting: This feature offers comprehensive insights into third-party tool utilization, allowing institutions to better manage their resources and ensure that they are getting the most out of their EdTech investments.

Benefits of Intelligent Insights

By automating reporting and monitoring tasks, Intelligent Insights gives educators more time to focus on building relationships with students and providing personalized learning experiences. This is particularly important in today’s educational landscape, where educators are increasingly expected to do more with less.

In a 2023 study, 92% of faculty rated “adequate prep time” as important instructional support for teaching. Additionally, 76% of faculty stated that technology and tools, such as AI and analytics tools, are important to the overall impact of their teaching. Intelligent Insights addresses these needs by providing innovative real-time solutions that were previously too expensive, challenging, and time-consuming to implement.

Real-World Impact

Intelligent Insights has already been beta-tested by more than 35 customers worldwide, including San Diego State University, Oxford University, and Cornell University. These institutions have reported significant benefits from using the product, including improved student outcomes, increased educator efficiency, and better resource management.

Sean Hauze, Ph.D., Senior Director of Instructional Technology at San Diego State University, praised the seamless integration of Intelligent Insights: “The Ask Your Data feature has been a game changer for us, empowering our leaders to interact with our data in a conversational way that was previously unimaginable. The ease of adoption and the value we’ve seen from Intelligent Insights has democratized our ability to leverage data—by both technical and non-technical leaders alike—in support of our educational ethos of ‘Students at Our Core.'”

Intelligent Insights is just one example of how Instructure is harnessing the power of AI to transform educational outcomes. The company is committed to exploring the myriad ways AI can enhance teaching and learning, and is actively developing new AI-powered tools and features for its Canvas LMS platform.

Mark Bramwell, CIO of Oxford Said Business School and Director of Strategic Digital Partnerships, noted, “We’re proud to be an early adopter of Intelligent Insights. We understand the value and importance of data in addressing student needs and measuring and enhancing educational impact. With this, we look to enable and empower our people with the latest digital capabilities so they can continue to deliver world-leading teaching and innovation and best equip and prepare our students with the digital skills they will need in the workplace.”

As AI continues to evolve, it is clear that it will play an increasingly important role in the future of education. Instructure’s Intelligent Insights is helping to pave the way for a more data-driven, personalized, and effective educational experience for all.

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