A MOTORIST seems to have no regrets after being issued a warning by police for hurling abuse at a group of cyclists from his car.
As part of ‘Operation Captured’, members of the public have been encouraged to assist officers with identifying poor driving behaviour.
Now, one motorist has been nabbed by Nottinghamshire Police after being identified by a member of the public for screaming, “single file you bunch of c***s” at a group of cyclists last Tuesday.
However, despite the telling off, the driver appears to have little remorse, brazenly claiming that his actual shout contained more expletives and that he’d rather be a “p***k” than a cyclist.

Nottinghamshire Police sent a warning letter to the offending driver yesterday which he promptly shared online, leaving fellow Brits in stitches.
The letter received by the motorist reads: “Nottinghamshire Police are currently participating in a nationwide initiative to address poor driving behaviour.
“As part of Operation Captured, members of the public are encouraged to report and submit digital footage showing potential moving traffic offences.
“We have received a complaint regarding the vehicle listed above, and our records indicate that you are the registered keeper of this vehicle.”
The letter, emblazoned with the Nottinghamshire Police logo, goes on to explain the nature of the complaint.
It alleges that on August 27 the driver of the vehicle pulled alongside a group of cyclists on the A60 in Nottinghamshire.
The motorist is alleged to have then shouted out the window, “Single file you bunch of c***s” at the cyclists.
Despite his official warning, no further action is to be taken against the motorist after receiving the warning letter.
The image of the letter was shared to social media by the driver yesterday with the caption: “Well. I learn something every day. Ho hum.”
The post has has since received over 12,000 likes and more than 890 comments from thoroughly unimpressed users.
One user said: “Waste of paper plus stamp.”
Another wrote: “What a joke. They should be on single file it’s safer for everyone. I cycle myself and always pull over if a car is coming behind.”
A third replied: “How can you respect the author of this letter when they can’t spell ‘bear’ correctly.”
Another commented: “I suddenly develop Tourette’s every time I have to try and get past a cyclist. It just comes out, I can’t help it.”
A fifth added: “Nice – wait 6 weeks and then remind the cyclists again.”
After the police force’s grammatical error of “bare in mind” was pointed out, the motorist later added: “I shall be writing to them. I bare this in mind.
“Also, they missed off ‘f***ing’.
“Correct. I am a p***k. Whereas those cyclists are c***s. I know which I’d rather be.”