Partner Posts5 Top Tips for Travel Creators by Max Zaharenkov

5 Top Tips for Travel Creators by Max Zaharenkov

Traveling is a hobby for some and a career for others but regardless of why you want to travel you should always make sure to go prepared. Being prepared doesn’t just mean having all the necessary resources like clothes and sunscreen; following good advice is paramount to making the most of a trip. London-based travel blogger and entrepreneur Max Zaharenkov has traveled the world producing luxury travel content and offering advice to those who wish to pursue their dreams of seeing more of planet Earth.

1. Look at Challenges as Opportunities to Learn

It’s difficult to prepare for every scenario you might encounter while traveling abroad which is why you should be willing to meet the unexpected head-on and treat the opportunity as a time to learn and adapt. For example, Max notes that he was not always able to find transportation and therefore needed to interact with locals to get around, building connections with them in the process.

2. Experiment and Find Your Niche

Many people go traveling looking to check out specific places, cultures, foods, etc., sometimes closing off opportunities to go somewhere or do something they’ve never considered. However, if you decide to make a living off of travel, it’s often best to get out of your comfort zone at least for a while and look into places you may not have otherwise considered. Max suggests finding your niche and being authentic; instead of telling yourself beforehand what you do and don’t like, open yourself to new experiences to see if you can come to enjoy something new and unexpected.

3. Strive to Improve

If you’re just starting out as a creator or entrepreneur, you’ve likely run into roadblocks that are keeping you from reaching your next milestone or goal. While these obstacles can be disheartening, they’re usually for the best, as Max states that they offer learning opportunities and sometimes an unexpected adventure. Above all else, keep in mind why you’re pursuing your path and what you hope to accomplish while doing so.

4. Invest and Engage

Concerning more material matters, Max advises those who take travel blogging or similar careers seriously to invest in good equipment and engage with their audience with a genuine interest in their thoughts, feelings, and reactions to your work. If you are visibly passionate about your work, your audience will see that and hopefully be able to take part in the same excitement you do while engaging in the creation process.

5. Be Patient and Persistent

Finally, Max emphasizes the importance of being patient and persistent with your work. Traveling can take a toll on a person’s body, soul, and mind, so it’s vital to pace yourself and make sure you’re taking the time to see if you’re actually enjoying what you’re doing. Because work as a creator relies on your engagement in what you’re doing, if you’re burnt out and unenthused, your audience will pick up on that. As part of pacing yourself, however, you should also remember to stick with your work if you’re still enjoying it. Challenges come and go, so it’s ultimately up to you to push yourself to take that extra step and keep doing what you love.

Parting Words

Nothing worth doing is ever easy, and that sentiment applies here as well. For Max Zaharenkov, he was able to turn his hobby into a popular blog and eventually a successful brand. This journey was not a simple one, however, as he encountered many obstacles while visiting over 100 countries, including the continent of Antarctica. Although being a creator or entrepreneur can be daunting, it can also prove highly rewarding provided you’re willing to be yourself and make the most of what you’re given along the way.

For more inspiration and travel tips, visit and follow Max on Instagram at @maxzaharenkov.

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