News“Glasgow is a warzone of litter”: Trade union chief hits out at...

“Glasgow is a warzone of litter”: Trade union chief hits out at Glasgow City Council over alleged axing of street cleaning posts  

A FURIOUS trade union chief has hit out at Glasgow City Council over alleged plans to axe street cleaning posts.  

Speaking from in front of an overflowing bin, GMB Scotland Union chief Chris Mitchell hit out at the city council on Sunday over claims that ten street cleaning posts have been axed.  

Mitchell, GMB convener for Glasgow’s cleansing workers, labelled the situation a “recipe for disaster”. 

In an attempt to improve the cleanliness of Glasgow’s streets, 43 new jobs in the sector are set to be advertised next week.  

Chris Mitchell, GMB convener for Glasgow's cleansing workers.
Chris Mitchell, GMB convener for Glasgow’s cleansing workers.

Mitchell claims that the measure does not go far enough however, adding that ten additional promised roles were dropped due to budget cuts.  

He said: “Another recipe for disaster, Glasgow City Council are now promoting the next stage of the bin hubs which is front street containment across Glasgow.  

“Now that’s fine, when you’ve got a full allocation of workers but unfortunately yesterday Glasgow City Council suspended the need for more road sweepers within Glasgow.  

“As you know, Glasgow is in the midst of a waste crisis, you’ve got weeds, you’ve got detritus, you’ve got leaves, you’ve got dirt everywhere.  

“That’s because for the past ten years, the statutory street cleansing service has absolutely been decimated.  

“So how can you promote putting on-street containment when you’ve not got a full allocation of staff to actually, physically do the fundamental thing and empty the bins and sweep the street? 

“Remember they’ve cut this service and now they have suspended the allocation of more staff within the council yesterday.  

“Shame on them. Glasgow is a warzone of litter. We must fight back, we must demand better, cuts have consequences, join the fight. Save Glasgow. Sweep the streets.”  

The furious union chief shared his appeal to social media on Sunday with the caption: “This is what austerity looks like.  

“Cuts have consequences. Join the fight, we demand Glasgow City Council rethink pulling the jobs in street cleansing.”  

His post has since received over 160 likes and more than 60 comments from social media users.  

One user said: “Tell your pals in London to release the purse strings and public services can get back to normality. Stop funding the Tories.”  

Another wrote: “Everyone in Scotland should be having cheaper fuel bills instead of paying more than the people we supply our energy to.”  

A third replied: “Personally I’d privatise the lot of you. Too many of your chums don’t go home tired at night. And I’m a Union member.”  

Another commented: “All roads lead to Westminster.”  

A fifth added: “Maybe tell your Labour paymasters to stop cutting the Scottish Block Grant?”  

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