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Duo Duo Project Brings Its Mission to London: A California-Based Nonprofit Aims to End the Dog and Cat Meat Trade

In a world where the bond between humans and canines spans thousands of years and transcends cultures, it is difficult to comprehend that millions of these loyal companions still face a grim fate in the dog and cat meat trade. This brutal practice, though increasingly opposed, continues in certain areas, particularly in China, where the mass slaughter of dog and cats persists. But change is on the horizon, and the Duo Duo Project, a nonprofit headquartered in California’s Bay Area, is leading the charge to end this inhumane industry.

On 14th September, the Duo Duo Project is set to bring its mission to London in a special event designed to raise awareness and galvanize support to end the dog and cat meat trade once and for all. This event, hosted in the heart of the city, will serve as a dynamic platform for dialogue, education, and action, engaging both the local community and a global audience in this urgent cause. This is not merely an awareness campaign, but a call to arms for all in the United Kingdom who care deeply about animal welfare.

Since its inception, the Duo Duo Project has garnered millions of signatures on its petition, reflecting a global outcry against the dog and cat meat trade. With international support swelling, the organization’s decision to bring its message to London, UK underscores the city’s significance as a hub for global advocacy and change. The British have long been at the forefront of animal welfare movements, and this event is an opportunity to continue that tradition.

The event is a private and RSVP-required luncheon event. The Duo Duo Project, founder and executive director Andrea Gung, will be hosting the event and will share their achievements and future projects. The Duo Duo Project began with a single act of compassion. Andrea saved a dog named Duo Duo from a Chinese slaughterhouse for just $10—a moment that ignited a global movement. Through community outreach, animal care, and humane advocacy, the Duo Duo Project works tirelessly to shift the narrative around dogs and cats, demonstrating that these animals—revered as companions in many cultures—should never be viewed as food.

While the majority of Chinese citizens oppose dog and cat meat consumption, the practice persists in certain regions, causing unnecessary suffering and posing significant public health risks. However, the tide is turning. Dog and cat meat sales in China have been declining in recent years, and public sentiment is increasingly against this cruel trade. The London event is crucial to building on this momentum, uniting compassionate individuals worldwide in a shared mission to create a more humane world.

As the 14th of September approaches, the Duo Duo Project encourages all who care about animal welfare to attend the event in London. To register for the event, visit Join the Duo Duo Pack.

UK residents have long stood for justice and compassion. By participating in this event, residents can add their voices to a global movement loud and clear that dog and cats and cats are family, not food.

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