NewsDisturbing footage shows three men in “zombie” state in middle of Birmingham...

Disturbing footage shows three men in “zombie” state in middle of Birmingham pavement, stirring up fears of fentanyl abuse on streets of Britain 

DISTURBING footage has surfaced showing three men in a “zombie”-like state on the streets of Birmingham. 

The trio were filmed lying in a completely non-lucid state in broad daylight yesterday on the pavements of the West Midlands city. 

The scene – which some online are crediting to the use of either fentanyl or the street drug “spice” – has stirred up concerns of substance abuse on Britain’s streets. 

Footage filmed by a local shows him approaching the three men on the side of the road – two of whom are lying on the pavement and the third slumped on a yellow grit bin. 

The men were thought to be under the influence of drugs.
The men were thought to be under the influence of drugs.

The cameraman walks up to the man on the grit bin and says, “Yo Sanka. Yo Sanka, you dead?” in a reference to cult movie Cool Runnings

He zooms in on the man’s face with his words eliciting no reaction from the bloke, who stares blankly into space, lying still as a statue. 

The passerby then turns to record one of the men on the floor who feebly kicks his feet and mumbles incoherently as the cameraman says: “He’s dying blud (sic).”  

The cameraman carries on as he films a third man lying on the floor, appalled by the state the men have gotten themselves into, saying: “These men are curdled blud (sic).”  

Shocked by the unresponsiveness of the trio he turns back to the man lying on the grit bin and taps his trouser pocket, asking: “What you got in your pocket man?”  

Even physical contact elicits no reaction from the man who remains still on the grit bin, with the cameraman commenting that the man could easily be robbed without putting up any sort of a fight

The footage was shared to social media yesterday with the caption: “Birmingham UK. 

“What kind of new globalist orchestrated and implemented crisis do we have happening now in Birmingham. 

“Please don’t tell [me] the UK have started mimicking the US fentanyl crisis?”  

The footage has received over 2,200 likes and more than 215 comments from stunned social media users.  

One user said: “Up north, bath salts and similar drugs are floating about, so wouldn’t be surprised if this was something like that.”  

Another added: “Sad watching.”  

A third wrote: “It’s starting to slowly take over the streets of the inner city. The dealers are earning a fortune from the souls of the users. No one cares.”  

Another replied: “The Cool Runnings reference though.”  

A fifth commented: “No one thought they might need some medical attention?” 

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