NewsIrvine Welsh praises new Hibs David Bowie themed signing announcement as the...

Irvine Welsh praises new Hibs David Bowie themed signing announcement as the headline he’s “waited his whole life for”

IRVINE Welsh has praised Hibs’ new David Bowie themed signing announcement as the headline he’s “waited his whole life for”. 

The Edinburgh outfit signed 21-year-old forward Kieron Bowie from English Premier League side Fulham yesterday on a four-year deal. 

Capitalising on the youngster’s celebrity surname, the club’s official announcement of their latest signing featured Bowie’s hit Rebel Rebel, as well as lightning emojis in reference to the cover of the late singer’s Aladdin Sane album cover. 

Lifelong Hibee Welsh was just one of the scores of fans praising the Easter Road side for the signing, and was quick to make a pun or two of his own in celebration. 

A picture of Irvine Welsh, a bald man wearing a beige t-shirt with jeans and trainers, standing in front of an enormous industrial machine. Other people milling about are visible in the background.
The writer is a lifelong Hibs and David Bowie fan

The club announced the news on social media yesterday with a picture of the young forward putting his name to his new contract. 

They posted: “Bowie is a Hibee. Happy with that announcement, Hibs fans?” 

Barely two hours later, the outspoken Trainspotting author jumped in with his own thoughts on the signing. 

The 65-year-old has previously regarded David Bowie as a huge influence on him and his writing. 

He turned down two opportunities to meet Bowie out of both fear of embarrassing himself and respect for the star. 

Aptly referring to the lyrics of the Bowie song Changes, he wrote: “I’ve waited my whole life for this headline. Let’s hope for some ch ch ch changes.” 

Welsh’s pun has received over 500 likes and more than 40 comments from social media users, many quick to jump in with Bowie quips of their own. 

One commented: “He’ll be Under Pressure from day one to perform. But they can be Heroes this season, if he’s not a Rebel Rebel.  

“Could spell Golden Years for the Hibs. I’ll stop now.” 

A second quipped: “Is there life on a deep-fried Mars bar though, Irvine?” 

Another said: “Is he going to be their Starman though?” 

A fourth added: “A Hibs top with ‘Bowie’ on it, you must be in dreamland.” 

A fifth joked: “Groan.” 

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