Partner PostsA Comprehensive Guide to Achieving SAFe Agilist Certification

A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving SAFe Agilist Certification

Agile methodologies are vital in today’s fast-paced business world. 

They help manage and control complex projects and allow teams to deliver value at a faster pace. 

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is one of the most popular Agile frameworks for large enterprises. Becoming a SAFe Agilist can help you boost your career by being able to lead Agile transformation at the enterprise level. 

In this beginner’s guide, we will cover everything you need to know about becoming a certified SAFe Agilist.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

An Introduction to SAFe and SAFe Agilist Role

What is SAFe?

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a collection of principles, practices and strategies that help organizations scale agile to the enterprise. 

It leverages Lean, Agile and DevOps practices in one single view which forms a complete picture for managing large-scale projects. It focuses on alignment, collaboration, and delivery of continuously providing value.

Who is a SAFe Agilist?

A SAFe Agilist is a person who is responsible for implementing and managing the Scaled Agile Framework ® (SAFe) within an enterprise. 

This includes being able to facilitate and enable end-to-end value delivery through Agile Release Trains (ARTs)—and estimating and delivering value using PI Planning, multi-sprint planning, and effective Program Increment execution.

Not only do you get assurance of the kind of in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience required to clear the Brilliant SAFe Agilist exam but there are several other benefits too.

To acquire SAFe Agilist Certification, you need to undergo training and study hard. 

Benefits Of SAFe Agilist Certification

SAFe agilist certification provides you access to all new career opportunities by making advancement to your career.

Below are some top benefits of SAFe agilist certification:

Increased Earning Potential

Certified SAFe Agilists often get paid more than their non-certified peers. 

Being certified validates your knowledge and skills, and you become a valuable asset to an organization. 

Many organizations are ready to pay competitive salaries and provide candidates with substantial benefits when looking for new employment.

Building Your Reputation

SAFe Agilist Certification is a globally recognized certification and will add credibility to your professional profile. 

It certifies that you have cleared the standards set up by Scaled Agile, Inc., the institute behind SAFe. 

This will help you create your brand within the agile community and build trust with employers.

Preparing for SAFe Agilist Certification

Choosing the Right Training Provider

One of the most important decisions you will make is in selecting your training provider.

StarAgile along with other recognized providers offers complete SAFe Agilist Certification training led by expert instructors. 

Make sure that the provider you opt for offers interactive and informative sessions and provides support material to aid you in your examination preparation.

Understanding the SAFe Framework

Spend some time going through the basics of SAFe even before you join the training. You can go through articles, and videos and also visit the official Scaled Agile Framework site to get an initial understanding of what it is all about. 

This will help you in better following things during the training and asking good questions.

Enrolling in SAFe Agilist Training

Enrol for a SAFe Agilist Certification training course from an accredited provider. 

The course usually takes two days and covers all the important topics required to successfully pass the exam.

In the training, you will attend lectures, group discussions and hands-on exercises to help solidify your knowledge of SAFe.

Study and Practice

Once the training is over, you will have to study and practice. Go through the course material again, read SAFe books and give some practice tests to know where you stand. 

Plan your study hours with fixed time for studying and breaks so that you remember what you studied.

Key Components of SAFe Agilist Training

Lean-Agile Principles

The training starts with the introduction of Lean-Agile principles that are part of basic thinking underlying SAFe. 

You will understand why it’s important to deliver value early and often, welcome changes and create an atmosphere of cooperation and respect.

SAFe Core Values

SAFe is built on four core values – alignment, built-in quality, transparency, and program execution. 

Each training participant will develop a deep understanding of those values and how they contribute to a successful SAFe implementation.

Program Increment (PI) Planning

PI Planning is the key event in SAFe where all teams come together to plan and align on the work for the next iteration. 

Training will walk you through the PI Planning process how we set objectives, identify dependencies and create a realistic plan.

Continuous Delivery Pipeline

The continuous delivery pipeline is central to SAFe, which allows an organization to deliver value continually. 

You will discover stages of a pipeline which are continuous exploration, continuous integration, continuous deployment and release on demand.

Measuring Success

The training will also include elements like how to know if the SAFe implementation is a success or not. 

We show you various key performance indicators (KPIs) & metrics using which you can collect data, see progress and take improvement actions.

SAFe Agilist Certification Exam

Exam Format

The SAFe Agilist Certification exam is multiple choice. There are 45 questions to be completed in 90 minutes. 

You need to achieve a minimum score of 77% to pass. The exam is open book meaning you can reference your study materials, but remember that time will be against you.

Scheduling the Exam

Once you complete the training, you will receive an exam link from Scaled Agile, Inc. 

You can schedule the exam at your convenience for a certain duration of time. 

Ensure that you book an appointment with adequate time in hand post training as well to go through the study material before giving the examination. 

Choose a peaceful and comfortable room to give the examination where there are no disturbances.

Exam Tips and Strategies

Conceptual understanding: Focus on conceptual understanding rather than messing up the answers. It helps you to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Practice Tests: Practice tests give you an idea of the exam format and areas you need to focus on studying.

Time Management: Manage your time properly in the exam, don’t stick to any single question for long.

Read each question and all answer choices carefully before you choose the best answer.


Attaining SAFe Agilist Certification is a career game-changer. 

It arms you with expertise to lead Agile transformations and foster business agility. 

Know the SAFe framework, take up in-depth training such as StarAgile’s, research and practice – passing certification exam is possible with the right focus, and unlocks new roles – so is building a stellar career. 

Embrace it, keep learning, and transform your world of work.

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