NewsMuseum applauds teenager for “honest feedback” after 16-year-old hilariously claims they have...

Museum applauds teenager for “honest feedback” after 16-year-old hilariously claims they have been forced to come “against their will” by their mum

A MUSEUM has applauded a visiting teenager for their “honest feedback” after they claimed they had been forced to come “against their will”. 

Scarborough Museums and Galleries seemingly received the visit from the 16-year-old yesterday, who was apparently less than happy to be there. 

Clearly unimpressed with the experience, the teen – who appears to have come all the way from Brechin, Angus – shares their views without holding back. 

They claim their mum “made them come” before adding in a customary teen whine about wanting to go home. 

A feedback card from a museum, with purple text on a white background. It features questions in bold, with the answers written in boxes underneath. In answer to "why have you visited today?" the person has written: "my mum made me come. I had no choice and was forced against my will." In answer to "how old are you?" they have written: "16 years old." In the box for "any other comments" they have written: "I want to go home."
The brutally honest response had Brits on social media laughing

The image shows the card, likely left in a feedback box at some point by the teen as they toured the museum. 

The top of the card is not visible but seems to ask visitors how they heard about the museum. 

The teen has ticked the “other” box, writing: “My mum made me come.” 

For the “Why have you visited today?” question, they answered: “My mum made me come. I had no choice and was forced against my will.” 

The postcode fragment they provide seems to correspond to Brechin, Angus, some 300 miles away, north of Dundee, making it a long trip they didn’t want to take. 

When asked for any other comments, they hilariously wrote: “I want to go home.” 

The card was shared to social media yesterday by the museum with the caption: “You’ve got to appreciate honest feedback.” 

It has since received over 6,400 likes and more than 100 comments from Brits tickled by the teenager’s honesty. 

One commented: “Blink once for yes and twice for I’m being held hostage.” 

Another said: “Don’t blame him/her, I used to hate being dragged around museums and stately homes.” 

A third wrote: “The funniest thing being that the poor kid lives somewhere north of Dundee. That’s a heck of a long drive when you’re bored and in the huff with your mum.” 

Another joked: “Feedback on York Dungeon: ‘Let me out, my mum locked me in for being ungrateful when we went to Scarborough’.” 

A fifth added: “That’s exactly what my 16-year-old would write if I ‘forced’ him to go anywhere. 

“Me ferrying him to all the places he wants to go on the other hand… is apparently in my job description as mum.” 

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