News“You’re enabling the oppressors": Anti-ULEZ protestor gives workers bizarre abuse as they...

“You’re enabling the oppressors”: Anti-ULEZ protestor gives workers bizarre abuse as they try to repair damaged camera  

AN ANTI-ULEZ protestor has filmed himself going off on a bizarre rant at traffic maintenance workers as they repair a traffic light.  

Infamous “Blade Runner” Matt Hardy confronted workers repairing a camera mounted to a traffic light that had been cut down in Hillingdon, Greater London on Monday. 

Seemingly fuming that the pair are simply doing their jobs, Matt decides to pester the blokes with a long and baffling rant about their place under the “oppressors”. 

Video shot by the anti-ULEZ protestor shows him approaching the felled camera and the two workmen and rambling on at them whilst they try to work.  

Matt went on a bizarre rant at the two workers.
Matt went on a bizarre rant at the two workers.

Matt says: “You work for Yunex coming to take that off, what are you doing? Getting a 10-mil [screwdriver] under there?”  

As one of the workers tries to unscrew the camera from the traffic light, Matt claims: “You know what you boys are enforcing here?  

“You know what these things are? Laser weapons to hurt people.”   

The younger worker appears visibly uncomfortable as he turns his face away from Matt’s camera to focus on his work.  

Unfazed though, Matt continues his tirade, ranting: “We’ve got two little drones here, look at them, you look well happy about your job mate, well happy about your job. 

“Tell your boss, they put one back up, the traffic light will get flopped again won’t it. Traffic lights getting flopped again, more work for you boys.” 

With the workers ignoring him, Matt seemingly becomes frustrated and says: “I don’t like it; you’ve been told not to talk to Matty boy ain’t you (sic)? Told not to talk to Matty boy.”  

He then continues, addressing the older worker: “Bit embarrassing doing a job like this though isn’t it mate?”  

The worker responds in kind, trying to stick up for himself and his colleague, saying: “Well what are you doing?”  

Matt, angered at the worker’s response, says: “I’m out here looking after the people of my borough, you’re out here persecuting them, looking after [Sadiq] Kahn and you’re enabling the oppressors.”  

He then offers up a bizarre piece of wisdom, suggesting: “The oppressors can only oppress when they’ve got help among the oppressed.  

“That’s what you are, you’re the oppressed and you’re helping the oppressor here.”  

The worker tries to interrupt Matt but is shouted down and eventually gives up, finishing his job and trying to ignore Matt’s ramblings.  

The workers manage to get the camera undone and begin removing it from the traffic light to be taken away.  

Matt gleefully says: “Go on take it out of here, get it out of here, don’t bring it back because if you do, the traffic light’s going again.”  

The worker responds sensibly but only manages to anger Matt when he says: “This is about safety though.”  

Matt shouts: “Safety of what? This is a pedestrian crossing mate, people use their heads and look left and right.  

“Safety? Everything we get taken away mate is for our safety is it not? You think about using your head, do you know what common sense is, geezer? 

“You’re not going to step out if there’s a car coming, are you? Nah, so safety is just how they get you, everything’s taken away for your safety isn’t it?”  

Matt continues as the workers struggle to get the camera off its mounts: “Why don’t you just take the unit?  

“Unplug it up the top here, you take four 10 mil bolts up the top here, unplug the back of it and just take the unit.”  

He then mocks the workers, saying: “It only takes a few seconds, I’d have had that unit gone by now, do you want some training? I should come and train you boys how to do your job.”  

He turns to address the younger worker saying: “You’re imprisoning your kids, your kids’ future here, how do you feel about that mate? He don’t (sic) like it, look – his kids’ futures.” 

Matt then addresses the older worker, saying: “Your grandkids, you got any grandkids? You want to be stuck in a C40 digital prison where they’re not allowed to move?”  

He continues to ramble, making little sense: “Yeah, for their safety they better sit in their house in their C40 digital 15-minute prison and not move, because it would be safer for them if they’re doing nothing won’t it?”  

The workers continue to ignore Matt’s ramblings as they merely try to get on with their job.  

Video footage of the bizarre confrontation was shared to social media yesterday with the caption: “Mr Yeah Yeah, demonstrating the ignorance, arrogance and gullibility which seems too prevalent in the truth community.”  

The footage has received over 230 likes and more than 134 comments from bemused social media users.  

One user said: “Where are the police?”  

Another wrote: “Why are these dangerous vandals not getting five years in prison?”  

A third added: “Laughed out loud at the prison bit.”  

Another commented: “Those poor blokes – patience of saints.”  

A fifth replied: “His voice was particularly annoying.”  

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