Partner PostsWhat is Penetration Testing and Why Your Business Needs It 

What is Penetration Testing and Why Your Business Needs It 

If the business world learned anything from the Ashley Maddison scandal, it’s that hackers are real people who do real damage the moment they slip past the security walls of your business. So the best way to deal with these pesky critters is to call penetration testing services, to take care of them before they have the chance to do any damage to the cyber bits of your business. 

The Importance of Penetration Testing 

Penetration testing helps you create a world where your business is an impenetrable fort that keeps your top-secret data far from enemy reach. Essentially, penetration testing simulates real-world cyber attacks on your IT systems and infrastructure so that you can find these vulnerabilities and weaknesses and fix them before a hacker can exploit them. 

Methodologies Used 

Different companies have different standards for penetration testing. You need to understand their approach. What are their strategies tested against? Do they follow the industry standards? Do they specifically customize their tests to your requirements? A good company would use both automated and manual checking to create a well-rounded test. 

Photo by David Rangel on Unsplash
Photo by David Rangel on Unsplash

How Penetration Tests Benefit Your Business? 

Here’s how applying penetration testing services can save your business from the wild ride of cyber threats: 

  1. Vulnerability Identification 

Penetration testing sheds light on areas where vulnerabilities exist – resulting in an organization being able to take action to prevent and respond to impending threats before they even happen. 

  1. Incident Response Preparation 

Cyber security is all about damage control, expecting and planning for the worst. With penetration testing, you build and refine your incident response plan. This makes sure you’re ready for any attack. 

  1. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements 

In business, laws and policies are another uncomfortable fact of life. And, if you are not careful, you may accidentally offend a few touchy Cyber laws and policies. But penetration testing can show you where you are in violation of a law or regulation. 

  1. Continuous Improvement 

We are in the new world of advancing tech and, as a business in this generation, you don’t want to be playing catch up to this new tech-led world. You can use penetration tests to see exactly where the cyber world is going and have a plan of attack that will help your business adjust and keep growing with this new world. 

Be Defense Ready 

Don’t wait for the wolves to be at the door — unleash the power of penetration testing services right now! Protect your organization, defend your reputation, and sleep knowing that your cybersecurity is so rock solid that there’s no way in. It’s time you make penetration testing your trusted sidekick in the war on cybercrime. 

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