EntertainmentNewsLawless London thieves caught on camera stealing home delivery from Waitrose van...

Lawless London thieves caught on camera stealing home delivery from Waitrose van in broad daylight

WATCH the moment two brazen thieves were caught on camera stealing a home delivery from a Waitrose van in lawless London. 

A video filmed by a passerby captured the broad daylight theft in Bow Common, East London yesterday morning. 

The pair were seen climbing into the van to retrieve the goods and stashing them in their own bag, uninterrupted by anybody. 

Two people dressed in black stealing from a Waitrose delivery van parked on a quiet tree-lined street. One is exiting the van carrying two green crates of shopping, the other is transferring items from another crate into their bag.
Caught in the act: the two delivery thieves

The van was parked up on a quiet tree-lined street with its hazard lights on and side door wide open – but with the delivery driver seemingly nowhere to be found. 

Two electric rental bikes lie discarded on the ground next to the van, whilst a figure dressed in all black, with their face covered and carrying a large black rucksack, clambers out of the back of the van. 

They then reach back in and emerge holding two large green crates stacked with shopping before scuttling round to the front of the van and out of sight. 

Meanwhile, their accomplice, also dressed in black, can be seen hurriedly throwing items from another crate into their bag. 

They then stand their bike up and close the bag, apparently about to make off with their stash

The clip was shared to social media yesterday with the caption: “Two thieves took someone’s home delivery from a Waitrose delivery van at 10am this morning in Bow Common.” 

It has since received over 700 likes and over 180 comments from disgusted Londoners. 

One wrote: “Don’t suppose the police ever turned up.” 

A second commented: “That’s extra scummy that it’s someone’s delivery.” 

Another said: “These electric bikes that are available on every other street corner serve as a getaway vehicle for thieves.” 

Another wrote: “Thieves wind me up. I’d be getting these lads to put back all of that stuff and perhaps if I was feeling generous, I’d let them get on their way. 

“Yep, hopefully a few stern words would go far. If they failed the attitude test though, I’d call the Old Bill and pin one of them down.” 

A fifth said: “Bang goes the foie gras, pheasant and game pie. 

“I can’t imagine they have the palate to enjoy either, shame. Was the van left open? Did they threaten the delivery driver? Bizarre.” 

Waitrose has been contacted for comment. 

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