Partner PostsPre-existing Conditions in Personal Injury Claims: What to Do 

Pre-existing Conditions in Personal Injury Claims: What to Do 

Pre-existing conditions may make your case for a personal injury more difficult. But that shouldn’t stop you. If someone else’s negligence caused your injury you still have the right to get the appropriate level of compensation, no matter your previous health status.  

You shouldn’t be left to foot the bill alone if the incident has left you disabled, or injured, or if your health has gotten worse.  

Here is what you need to know to handle pre-existing condition personal injury claims and obtain fair recompense. 

1. Share the Details and Documentation of your Condition 

Ensure you inform your lawyer and doctors about any pre-accident medical issues as you pursue your personal injury compensation. Provide a detailed medical history, including previous injuries, treatments, and diagnoses. This can strengthen your case by showing the severity of the accident’s injuries.  

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Find a good personal injury lawyer from the list of top 10 lawyers UK, consult, and get guidance on the way forward to getting fair compensation for your personal injury accident. 

2. Medical Assessment and Expert Testimony 

You need a doctor to evaluate you and determine how your previous health issues mix with your new injuries. You should also consider bringing in an expert to serve as a witness and to break down how the accident might have made your condition worse or stirred up old issues.  

This will be like having a medical detective on your side, helping to connect the dots between your past and present health. 

3. Showcase How the Accident Limits your Routine 

You must demonstrate how the injury altered your movement, lifestyle, and general well-being. Documenting any hurdles caused by the occurrence allows you to establish the severity of your injuries and how they have affected your life. Write down activities you used to like but now struggle with, such as playing with your children or going grocery shopping.  

This information will show how drastically the accident turned your life upside down and strengthen your case. 

4. Evidence of Treatment and Rehabilitation Efforts 

You have to keep a record of everything you are doing to bounce back after the accident. That is from doctor’s appointments, and those gruelling physical therapy sessions, to any medication you have been taking. It shows you are working to get your health back on track, even with your old issues in the mix.  

It is proof you are doing your part to heal and not letting your pre-existing issues hold you back. That kind of effort will speak volumes in your case. 


Dealing with injury claims when you have pre-existing health issues is a hard nut to crack. But don’t sweat it – it doesn’t mean you are out of luck if someone else’s carelessness got you hurt. The key is being upfront about your health history.  

So don’t shy away from collecting all the evidence you need, including medical records and calling the experts to back you up. With the proper approach, you can make a solid case and get the compensation you deserve for your personal injury accident. 

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