News“I’m not a teacher, I’ll punch you in the f***ing mouth” -...

“I’m not a teacher, I’ll punch you in the f***ing mouth” – Horrifying moment coach driver threatens school kids  

THIS is the horrifying moment a British coach driver threatens a bus full of school children with violence after they didn’t wear seatbelts.  

The kids were reportedly messing around on the driver’s coach, not wearing seat belts and smoking on the bus when the driver launched into a furious and terrifying tirade.  

He was filmed threatening the children with violence as he screamed at the youths while walking up and down between the seats.  

The children sit in stunned silence as the unidentified coach driver threatens them with violence, shouting and swearing at them.  

The driver threatened the children with violence.
The driver threatened the children with violence.

Video footage secretly filmed by one of the youths shows the coach driver screaming at the kids as he walks up the aisle towards the back of the bus.  

He can be heard shouting at the children: “Your parents will come and get you, put your f***ing seatbelts on now.”  

The tirade continues as he walks up the aisle singling out children and demanding they buckle up, pointing at individuals and saying: “Seat belt on, seat belt on now.”  

He continues: “You think I’m f***ing about because I’m not a teacher? I’ll punch you in the f***ing mouth, put your f***ing seat belts on, now.” 

The frightened child recording the incident films the floor as the coach driver continues his furious tirade: “The lot of you, now, do it.  

“And see all this f***ing mess? It’s getting picked up when we get back to school, you f***ing hear me? Yea? Do you lot hear me?”  

The terrified children rush to put their seatbelts on in fear of angering the unhinged coach driver further.  

He continues to scream at them mercilessly: “You’re f***ing about up here, smoking on my f***ing coach, making a f***ing mess, not wearing your f***ing seatbelts, taking the f***ing piss, do you hear me?”  

The coach driver’s profanity ridden outburst prompts one of the kids to reply something inaudible which only serves to further anger the driver.  

He angrily shouts: “Put your f***ing seat belt on, now.” at one of the children as the others watch on in fear.  

The brave youth responds, again saying something unintelligible as he stands up to the furious bus driver.  

The coach driver tries to scare the youth into submission as he screams: “No I mean it f***ing do it or your getting f***ing punched up.”  

To the youth’s credit he isn’t scared by the bullying coach driver and continues to argue back, standing up to the threat of violence.  

The coach driver only becomes more furious however, he says: “The next time any of you get up, I’ll f***ing, I dont give a f**k what your teachers say.  

“Do you hear me? Do you think you’re f***ing funny? Do you think you’re funny? No, you ain’t funny, you’re a little f***ing boy, that’s what you are.”  

The coach driver’s abuse continues as he screams at the child who stood up to him: “You think you’re funny in front of your mates? You ain’t f***ing s**t mate. You ain’t nothing.”  

The furious driver’s rant continues as the child recording him keeps the phone low so as to not attract his attention.  

The students talk amongst themselves in shock at the driver’s outburst while one of them phones their mum for help.  

She can be heard saying: “Mum, when we get back yea, can you come to the school? I’m calling because the f***ing coach man just threatened to punch me up mum.”  

As the bus driver returns to the driver’s seat and sets off the bus erupts into chaos, the children all start calling their parents for help and talking amongst themselves.  

The video footage of the incident was shared to social media yesterday with the caption: “Coach driver threatens kids.”  

It has since received over 1,700 likes and more than 372 comments from social media users who were surprisingly supportive of the driver.  

One user said: “I mean getting 2 kids to school is a nightmare. A whole busload? No thanks. This wasn’t pretty but I feel for this man.”  

Another added: “From the sounds of it the kids are smoking and making a mess on the coach whilst also not wearing seatbelts.  

“The driver has clearly had enough but unfortunately will probably get into a lot of trouble because of these little s**t rats.”  

A third commented: “Honestly considering how disrespectful and poorly raised children are these days, this was probably the only way to get them to listen.”  

Another wrote: “It takes a village to raise a child. If you won’t correct your own child’s behaviour someone else will. This guy has clearly had enough.”  

A fifth replied: “Push someone too far and you find out.”  

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