NewsOffice of former MP Joanna Cherry rebranded as Scotbet a mere two...

Office of former MP Joanna Cherry rebranded as Scotbet a mere two weeks after she loses her seat   

THE Edinburgh office of former MP Joanna Cherry has seemingly been rebranded as a Scotbet a mere two weeks after the SNP politician lost her seat.  

The former MP stood for the Scottish National Party (SNP) in the Edinburgh South West constituency but lost her seat in the recent general election.  

The general election saw SNP politicians lose seats in record numbers across the country with Cherry losing hers to Labour MP Scott Arthur.  

Since then, a mere two weeks ago, Cherry’s Edinburgh office on Dundee Street, Edinburgh, has seemingly already been rebranded.  

The office has already been rebranded after just two weeks.
The office has already been rebranded after just two weeks.

Cherry’s now empty offices were pictured with a large Scotbet sign displayed over the bright yellow door that served as an entrance to the building.  

The image of the office shows the building lying seemingly deserted, with all trace of Cherry’s occupancy gone.  

The signs displaying Cherry’s name have all been taken down and replaced with the large Scotbet branded sign.  

All traces of Cherry’s occupation of the building have been swiftly and decisively removed.  

No sign of life can be seen in the office with all the lights turned off and the doors closed and locked.  

A blunt, printed sign can be spotted on the bright yellow front door displaying the words: “This office is now closed.”  

It appears the offices will now be used as a betting shop with the large Scotbet sign giving a clue as to who the new owners are.  

The image of Cherry’s former offices was shared to social media by an Edinburgh local yesterday.  

The local’s post was captioned: “Joanna Cherry’s office already rebranded to a Scotbet.”  

The image has since received over 250 likes and more than 25 comments from social media users.  

One user joked: “I wish the Scotbet shop all the best in its transition.”  

Another added: “2026 is going to be so unedifying seeing all these out of work MPs trying to get into Holyrood.”  

A third wrote: “As a trans person this pic just made my night and gave me a good chuckle, thank you.”  

Another said: “Hear, hear. I’m trans and very glad to see the back of her. Damn sad that she was able to do so much damage to the SNP by causing infighting.”  

A fifth replied: “If Joanna Cherry isn’t put at the top of the list there’s going to be the mother of all Twitter meltdowns and it’ll somehow all be trans people’s fault.”  

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