NewsMhairi Black faces backlash after claims SNP needs 'serious self-reflection' after 'cataclysmic'...

Mhairi Black faces backlash after claims SNP needs ‘serious self-reflection’ after ‘cataclysmic’ night for the party

MHAIRI Black has faced backlash after claiming the SNP needs to do some “serious self-reflection” after a “cataclysmic” night at the polls for the party. 

The outspoken MP shared her views today after the SNP lost 38 seats in Scotland, leaving the formerly dominant party reeling as Labour swept in to clean up as part of its landslide UK-wide victory.  

Scottish MP Mhairi Black wearing a white shirt and black trousers, standing in the street holding leaflets.
The MP was quick to share her opinion following the election result

The 29-year-old viciously hit out online as the results poured in, claiming that the party should not blame the voters for jumping ship. 

Black claimed it is attitudes like these that negatively impact the public’s view of the SNP. 

However, disgruntled voters have snapped back at Black, claiming her own attitudes and contributions, particularly on Scotland’s divisive Gender Recognition Reform Bill – which was rejected by the UK Government – are as much to blame. 

In her post to social media this morning, the former deputy SNP leader at Westminster wrote: “What was expected to be a difficult night for the SNP now looks set to be cataclysmic. 

“Blaming voters, or doing anything other than serious self-reflection, is precisely the kind of attitude that has turned so many away from the SNP.” 

However, she has failed to garner the support she probably hoped to, with the post racking up over 600 comments from disgruntled users. 

One said: Oh for goodness’ sake, this is very true but it’s convenient that you ignore your own role in making a mess of what was a strong and successful party. 

“Let’s see you start with some serious self-reflection first.” 

A second wrote: “Your party destroyed the very fabric of Scotland.  

“You used hate to hold onto power. Your party put a double rapist into a female prison.  

“Your party demonised women for wanting to protect our boundaries. Your luxury belief system has caused horrific harm to women and children.” 

Another commented: “Wow. To hear you say this after your contribution to the toxicity over recent years is incredible.  

“You labelled parents harmful for having concerns and women bigots for standing for our rights.  

“Self-reflection is needed, turn it on yourself.” 

Another said: “You dared to ignore women. Big mistake. Huge” 

A fifth commented: “Don’t let the door bang you on the a**e as you leave.  

“You lied to my face when I asked you if the SNP were serious about getting independence.  

“You and your gender politics were a big part of the problem and a reason for this result.”

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