EntertainmentNewsWatch the moment vicious knife fight breaks out between two men on...

Watch the moment vicious knife fight breaks out between two men on sleepy residential street in lawless London 

WATCH the moment a vicious knife fight breaks out between two men on a sleepy residential street in lawless London. 

Residents of Cadoxton Avenue in Tottenham, North London could only watch on yesterday as two unidentified men went for each other in the middle of the road. 

One onlooker filmed from an upper storey window as the two knife-wielders lunged at each other in desperate attempts to draw blood – watched all the while by one shocked elderly woman walking by with her shopping. 

The knife-wielding duo lunge at each other as a passing pedestrian looks on. (C) Image from Facebook. From a trusted news source.

From its high vantage point overlooking the street, the video shows the two men, both dressed in black, swinging at each other with large “Rambo” knives on the pavement. 

The fight quickly spills out into the road though, where a bike belonging to one of the brawlers lies abandoned. 

At the end of the street, a lone elderly woman can be seen, keeping her distance but watching on as the two men swing wildly at one another. 

The pair cautiously sidestep back and forth, trying to psych each other out as they take wild jabs with the razor-sharp tools. 

Their fight continues to move across the road until they disappear out of view amid a flurry of frenzied swings. 

They then reappear behind a blue BMW parked in the middle of the road, with one appearing to walk into its open passenger door. 

The BMW’s door then closes, and it moves away before pausing further up the road. 

The duo then have one last go at each other before bizarrely stopping the fight in an instant and walking up the road with each other. 

One of the men picks up the bike left on the road and climbs on, cycling away whilst the other strolls up the street towards the BMW as though nothing has happened. 

The footage was shared to social media yesterday with the caption: “Earlier this afternoon, two men were seen fighting with Rambo knives on Cadoxton Avenue in Tottenham, N15”. 

The clip has since received dozens of likes and comments from appalled users who slammed the pair for their daytime blade brawl. 

One used said: “Sickening, what a state this country is in.” 

Another wrote: “Musketeers, more like handbags at dawn.” 

A third commented: “The most deplorable country with the most wretched people in this country where the law shows nothing but street fines and bus lane fines, that’s all they can do in this country but never put these wretched people in prison.” 

Another replied: “Let’s teach our kids this lesson, the best defence to a knife attack is to run away.” 


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