Partner PostsUnderstanding the SQE Route: A Clear Path to Solicitor Qualification

Understanding the SQE Route: A Clear Path to Solicitor Qualification

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • What is the SQE?
  • The Transition from QLTS to SQE
  • The Key Stages of the SQE Route
    • Academic Stage: Law Degree or Equivalent
    • SQE1: Functioning Legal Knowledge
    • Qualifying Work Experience (QWE)
    • SQE2: Practical Legal Skills
  • Preparing for the SQE: Essential Tips
  • Financial Aspects of the SQE Journey
  • The Impact of SQE on Legal Training and Diversity
  • Conclusion: Embracing the Journey
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash


The legal profession in England and Wales has witnessed a significant shift with the introduction of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE). This new qualification route has replaced the traditional pathways, offering a streamlined and standardised process to become a solicitor. Whether you are a law student, a graduate, or considering a career change, understanding the SQE route is crucial. This guide will provide an in-depth look at the steps involved, ensuring you are well-prepared to embark on this journey.

What is the SQE?

The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) is a two-part examination introduced by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) to standardise the qualification process for solicitors. The aim of the SQE is to ensure that all aspiring solicitors meet the same rigorous standards of competence and knowledge. This new system replaces previous routes, such as the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme (QLTS), and aims to create a more inclusive and transparent pathway to qualification.

The Transition from QLTS to SQE

The introduction of the SQE marks a significant change from the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme (QLTS), which was previously used for internationally qualified lawyers to become solicitors in England and Wales. The SQE is designed to be more comprehensive, catering to both domestic and international candidates, and ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their background, undergo the same assessments.

The Key Stages of the SQE Route

Academic Stage: Law Degree or Equivalent

The first stage of the SQE route involves obtaining a law degree or an equivalent qualification. If you have a degree in a non-law subject, you will need to complete a conversion course such as the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL). This stage is essential as it provides the foundational legal knowledge required for the subsequent SQE assessments.

SQE1: Functioning Legal Knowledge

The SQE1 exam tests your functioning legal knowledge (FLK) across various areas of law. It comprises two assessments, each with 180 multiple-choice questions covering subjects such as criminal law, contract law, tort law, and more. SQE1 is designed to assess your ability to apply legal principles to practical scenarios, ensuring you have a solid understanding of core legal concepts.

Qualifying Work Experience (QWE)

A critical component of the SQE route is gaining Qualifying Work Experience (QWE). You need to complete two years of full-time work experience, which can be accumulated in up to four different legal settings. This experience must be verified by a solicitor or an authorised individual within the organisation. QWE provides practical exposure to the legal profession, helping you develop the necessary skills and professional judgement.

SQE2: Practical Legal Skills

The SQE2 exam focuses on practical legal skills. It includes a series of written and oral assessments designed to test competencies such as client interviewing, advocacy, legal research, and drafting. Passing SQE2 demonstrates that you possess the practical abilities required of a newly qualified solicitor, ensuring you are ready to handle the demands of the profession.

Preparing for the SQE: Essential Tips

Success in the SQE requires thorough preparation and a strategic approach. Here are some essential tips to help you navigate the process:

  • Start Early: Begin your preparation well in advance to cover all necessary materials.
  • Invest in Quality Resources: Use reputable study guides, courses, and practice exams tailored to the SQE.
  • Practice Regularly: Regularly test yourself with mock exams to become familiar with the format and timing.
  • Join Study Groups: Collaborate with peers to discuss challenging topics and share insights.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consider hiring a tutor or attending workshops for expert advice and support.

Financial Aspects of the SQE Journey

Pursuing the SQE route involves various costs, including exam fees, preparation courses, and living expenses during your studies and work experience. Here are some options to help manage these financial aspects:

  • Scholarships and Bursaries: Many universities and legal organisations offer financial aid to deserving candidates.
  • Loans: Student loans and professional development loans can cover tuition and exam fees.
  • Employer Sponsorship: Some law firms offer sponsorship or reimbursement for SQE-related costs in exchange for a commitment to work with them post-qualification.

The Impact of SQE on Legal Training and Diversity

The introduction of the SQE is poised to have a significant impact on legal training and diversity within the profession. By creating a single, standardised pathway, the SQE aims to attract a broader range of candidates from various backgrounds, ensuring that the legal profession is more reflective of society. This change encourages innovation in legal education, with providers developing new and flexible training programmes tailored to the SQE.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey

Embarking on the SQE route to become a solicitor is both challenging and rewarding. With a clear understanding of the steps involved, thorough preparation, and the utilisation of available resources, you can confidently navigate this pathway. The SQE not only ensures high standards of competence and professionalism but also opens up the legal profession to a more diverse and inclusive range of candidates. As you progress through your studies and work experience, each step brings you closer to a fulfilling and impactful career in law. Embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and look forward to making a meaningful contribution to the legal field.

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