NewsAldi launch cheeky jibe at Brit shopper over disastrous attempt at cutting...

Aldi launch cheeky jibe at Brit shopper over disastrous attempt at cutting famous Cuthbert the Caterpillar cake

ALDI has launched a cheeky jibe at a British shopper over her disastrous attempt at cutting one of its infamous Cuthbert the Caterpillar cakes. 

Mel Bailey had bought one of the German supermarket’s chocolate cakes to tuck into on Monday. 

However, her attempts at dicing it up resulted in a butchered baked good, and she was quick to hop online where she questioned the retailer on how their cake was meant to be successfully cut. 

The Cuthbert the Caterpillar cake sits on a table, sliced messily with most of its chocolate coating crumbled on the table.
The disaster zone after unsuccessful attempts to slice the cake. (C) X.

However, Aldi were quick to clap back, with a teasing remark questioning whether Mel had used her hands as a makeshift tool for it to get in such a sorry state. 

Mel’s snap shows the cake on a table with several messy, uneven slashes in the sponge and most of its chocolate coating having fallen off. 

Discarded pieces of coating and colourful sprinkles litter the table around it as the cake lies, roughly divided into shoddy slices. 

One single successful slither has been hacked off, and sits to the side, in contrast to the crumbling mess that the rest of the cake poses. 

Mel posted her snap of the partially destroyed cake to social media on Monday with the caption: “Got to be a solution to cutting Cuthbert, Aldi.” 

Aldi were quick to launch their cheeky response back though, writing: “Mel did you cut this with your hands?” 

The supermarket’s response has received over 7,000 likes and more than 100 comments from users ribbing Mel’s cake-cutting technique. 

One said: “Mel’s just gnawed through that.” 

Restaurant chain Barburrito commented: “Looks like it was cut by the council.” 

Another user scathingly remarked: “Looks like she’s reversed over the poor b****r.” 

Another joked about Aldi’s eclectic selection of seasonal products: “Got to be something in the middle aisle for that.” 

The supermarket replied with: “Well, it’d be fun for the whole family to try and get a better result using the kids’ rounders bat we have coming to stores soon.” 

A fifth cheekily commented, “Colin wouldn’t put up with that mess”, referring to the rivalry between Cuthbert and Marks & Spencer’s bestselling Colin the Caterpillar cake. 

When Aldi launched Cuthbert in 2021, it prompted legal action from the British store, which accused Aldi of infringing the trademark in place on its cake. 

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