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These Fun and Crazy Things Will Help When Stress Gets the Best of You

People are more stressed than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic, as clearly shown by “the great exhaustion“, and the experts think changes in technology, family, and relationship dynamics are to blame. Stress is a normal human reaction, but too much stress can have serious consequences for your health, including headaches, muscle tension, digestive issues, and depression, to name a few, so if you’re angry and grouchy, reach out to a friend or trusted family member to see if they’ve noticed anything different in you, too; they can provide emotional support, practical help, and a space to share your feelings. 

With all the media and medical attention on stress and its negative impacts, the only conclusion you can possibly reach is that stress is unquestionably evil and should be avoided as much as possible. If your stress is getting out of control and you need a quick relief, try one of these activities: 

Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Senses

The human mind is able to solve almost any problem, and our creativity can redefine what’s possible, but what do you do when your problem-solving skills or creativity spin out of control? Get into your senses, literally. The senses (sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste) help reconnect with your body so you can create a safe and peaceful space when stress arises. For example, popping bubble wrap helps release tension – it’s addictive and letting go is hard for many. Keeping your hands busy is a soothing experience, so if you come across a strip of bubble wrap, don’t hesitate to play around with it. Oddly satisfying, right?

Folding clothes is relaxing and therapeutic, meaning you’ll quickly go from chaos to calm. It requires a little mental energy so you can switch off and focus on the task at hand, which can be extremely beneficial if you’re struggling with racing thoughts or anxiety. Decluttering and organising make a world of difference in how your mornings start because you don’t have to decide what to wear or waste too much energy in your search. The experience of feeling peaceful can vary from person to person, so don’t fret if you don’t find solace or a sense of accomplishment in what you do.

Laugh Really Hard at A Joke That Isn’t Funny

A good laugh will lighten your mood, so laugh at the humorous aspects of a stressful situation to see the bigger picture and, above all, remind yourself that what you’re experiencing isn’t the worst that could happen. Seeing the funny side of things protects you from the damaging effects of stress. The good news is you don’t have to wait to be amused because you can enjoy the cheap medicine of laughter every day, so make it a habit to giggle regularly, even at bad jokes. Indeed, some jokes only deserve groans and eye rolls, but they still manage to be funny.

Have A Hobby as Part of Your Self-Care Plan

People with hobbies are less likely to suffer from low moods, stress, or depression, so focus on the present moment and don’t worry about tomorrow, getting to know yourself a little bit better. In a world filled with countless pastimes, some stand out thanks to their sheer uniqueness and unexpected nature. You can collect cannabis seeds to preserve genetic diversity and introduce new traits through crossbreeding. It can be very fun to learn about, say, the importance of feminised seeds, of which only very few are in regular format, unlike in the early days. They can be automatic or photo-dependent.

Pursuing a hobby takes your mind off things that are bothering you, stressing you out, or otherwise occupying your mind, allowing you to unwind and relax when the day is done. Growing cannabis can be an enjoyable hobby, but it’s also a little bit intimidating, especially for first-timers, and according to the experts at Seedsman, getting cannabis seeds in the UK is very easy, but there’s a catch, namely it’s illegal to germinate them without a Home Office licence. In other words, the seeds are bought as collectable souvenirs to help preserve the genetics for future generations, but that doesn’t mean you should regret carving out room in your budget for a bit more.

Point Your Brain at A Problem

Something’s on your mind, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t stop thinking about it. It would be great if you could just snap your fingers and let it go. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or over the edge, point your brain at a problem, even if it might sound counterintuitive, because it can calm and focus your mind. You can try counting your breaths, constantly switching your attention from counting to the breath and the other way around. It works, and it’s not too disturbing. You can try this remedy before going to sleep when stress gets on top of you and leaves you staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night, so as soon as you notice yourself worrying, close your eyes and inhale and exhale. 

Go Outside and Feel the Grass Between Your Toes

Spending time in nature lowers your stress hormone, so the body makes less cortisol, which, over long periods, can cause weight gain, acne, and fatigue, among other things. Here’s a crazy thought: Why don’t you walk on the grass barefoot? The Earth is full of wonderful energy that can nourish your body, mind, and soul, so feel the Earth beneath your feet to feel its natural healing energy – walking barefoot allows your body to absorb the virtually limitless supply of electrons from the ground, which can help protect your cells from damage and support your overall health.

Wrapping It Up

Stress affects everyone, and unless you deal with it, it can affect your everyday life, making it harder to concentrate on your responsibilities and causing wear and tear on your body. If you’re feeling irritable, you might take it out on the people around you, so your bad moments are masking your good, meaning people can’t see that beautiful, calm person.

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