NewsScottish NewsSlapstick moment drunken Tartan Army member loses balance and ends up hilariously...

Slapstick moment drunken Tartan Army member loses balance and ends up hilariously throwing his possessions off a bridge 

WATCH the slapstick moment a drunken Tartan Army member loses his balance and throws his possessions off a bridge. 

The boozed-up Scot was allegedly spotted ahead of his national side’s match against Hungary in Stuttgart last night, despite him being over 155 miles away in Munich

The bloke was filmed by one onlooker as he staggered around in a circle, gradually losing his balance before hilariously collapsing to the floor in a heap – but not before he lost hold of his coat and phone, which were sent plummeting over the edge of a bridge. 

The video shows the drunken fan clad in a kilt, Scotland jersey and saltire branded bucket hat.  

The man was seen stumbling and falling over himself.
The man was seen stumbling and falling over himself.

The man can be seen aimlessly stumbling around, and almost collapses to the floor just barely maintaining his balance.  

Turning to correct himself, the drunkard suffers an overbalance and stumbles back the way he came in a full and ungraceful 180-degree spin.  

He dramatically falls towards a wall which borders the footbridge, protecting pedestrians from the sheer drop on the other side.  

The drunk, getting lower to the ground with every step, reaches for the wall in a last gasp attempt for stability and hilariously throws the possessions he has in his hand over the wall.  

The man’s stuff falls out of sight as he misses the wall and collapses to the floor banging his head on the concrete and lying in the fetal position.  

Onlookers exclaim as they see the man collapse to the ground, offering little help to the poor drunken Scot.  

The video footage was shared to social media yesterday with the caption: “I’ve got a funny feeling he ain’t going to the match tonight.”  

The footage has received over 13,000 likes and more than 515 comments from social media users.  

One user said: “Hope his ticket wasn’t in his coat.”  

A second joked: “Has he picked up some rubber legs from the joke shop?”  

Another quipped: “I wouldn’t mind but he’s our striker.”  

Another commented: He just lost his coat and phone and potentially wallet if it was in his coat, that’s shocking luck to be fair.”  

A fifth added: “He sums up the Scottish team far better than any amount of words can.”  

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