Partner Postsm00m’s Audio Series Completes First Season, Redefining Sci-Fi and UGC

m00m’s Audio Series Completes First Season, Redefining Sci-Fi and UGC

The rapidly growing sci-fi audio series m00m Theatre On the Air has just wrapped up its first season, leaving fans and community contributors eager for more. Over the past year, m00m has released 14 episodes, one per month, creating over three hours of original content with the help of its vibrant community and fans. This groundbreaking series and entertainment company invite its audience to participate in a global “choose your own adventure” where they vote on multiple storyline outcomes for each new episode. Community members and listeners contribute ideas and leverage various AI tools to generate original user-generated content (UGC) for the series and the brand as a whole. m00m world, the company responsible for the series, has been redefining the boundaries of science fiction storytelling and community engagement from its inception one year ago. Under the innovative leadership of founder and serial entrepreneur Jordan Freda, m00m Theatre is not just an audio series but the creative foundation for a thriving “virtual world” video game product set to launch this summer, promising to push the envelope of collaborative interactive entertainment.

Photo by Mateo on Unsplash

A Unique Blend of Storytelling and Technology

What sets m00m apart in the crowded sci-fi landscape is its unique integration of community participation and advanced technologies that drive its compelling storytelling. Set in a dystopian future where the oppressive F8 Corporation controls society through nanobot brain implant chips, the series follows the resistance movement led by unchipped rebels like Goldstar (voiced by popular Tokyo-based musician RHYME), Kevin, and Luna alongside an alien shipping container creature called m00m. The series’ narrative depth is brought to life by the voices of the corresponding community members who, through community vote, earned their part through public voice auditions via “Spaces” on the social media platform, X.

With elements like mind-linking, quantum transportation, shipping container aliens, and an AI dystopian narrative, m00m is not just listened to—it’s experienced. This summer, fans will have the opportunity to dive even deeper into the world of m00m via the company’s flagship product, m00m world, a virtual world and multiplayer video game. The virtual world becomes the centerpiece of this entertainment property.

m00m’s Vision: Redefining UGC and Sci-Fi

“Nearly everyone on earth has a phone, and everyone has a voice. My vision was to inspire the creativity of millions of people around the world, enabling them to become the heroes and villains of our story. To help us build the sci-fi empire of tomorrow, together. The world we’re creating allows for self-expression and creativity through the lens of science fiction,” Freda explained.

His approach to UGC and brand building has empowered fans to contribute to the m00m universe, creating a dynamic and evolving narrative that resonates deeply with its audience. The vision extends far beyond just the audio series; it encompasses a broader ecosystem that

includes free-to-read webcomics and the soon-to-launch virtual world video game/mobile gaming platform.

m00m is about more than just a story,” Freda continues. “It’s a living, breathing universe where our community can contribute, interact, and immerse themselves. We’re creating a new kind of entertainment experience that’s as participatory as it is entertaining. The future of storytelling is interactive through technology, and we’re excited to be at the forefront.”

What’s Next for m00m?

The impact of m00m on the entertainment industry is profound. The anticipation for the m00m world platform, which will launch this summer, is palpable among its fans, promising an even higher level of engagement and immersion.

This season’s finale left viewers with more questions than answers, setting the stage for future seasons and further exploration of the m00m universe. The open-ended ending, combined with the series’ rich lore and interactive elements, ensures that m00m will contend as a dominant force in sci-fi entertainment.


With over 200,000 audio series streams and a rapidly growing community, the series has demonstrated the power of blending traditional storytelling with cutting-edge technology and community. As m00m continues to innovate and expand, it remains a shining example of how technology and creativity can converge to create something truly unique. The vision of the company isn’t just paving the way for audio entertainment but is also setting new standards for user engagement and interactive storytelling. The completion of this season marks a significant milestone, but it’s clear that the journey of m00m is far from over. Fans and newcomers alike can look forward to even more thrilling adventures when the m00m world virtual world mobile video game launches this summer.

For more updates and to immerse yourself in the world, visit their official website and join the growing community of fans who are redefining the future of entertainment.

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