THIS is the horrifying moment a masked bike thief pulls a knife out on a brave Brit woman attempting to stop him.
The thief was caught in the act by the unnamed woman, who rushed out into her own backyard to confront him, brandishing only a broom to defend herself.
However, the brute quickly pulled a knife from his pocket, waving it at her before making his escape – but not before his victim branded him a “toerag” and whacked him with her broom.
The video shows the pair mid-confrontation, as the thief – dressed in all black – picks up the bike and fends off the woman, shouting, “F**k off”.

The brave woman can then be seen brandishing a broom, which she uses to beat the thief with as he attempts to throw the bike over the fence.
She informs the criminal that the police have been called and batters him with the broom some more, causing him to hop down from the fence before he desperately starts fiddling with his trouser pocket.
The woman then hilariously prods the bloke with her broom, taunting, “You think you’re a tough man do you?”
She then batters him on the head with the broom once more before the robber finally manages to pull a small retractable knife from his trousers and brandishes it towards her.
He advances towards the woman, demanding that she “f**k off”, causing her to back away as she says: “Alright calm down, it’s a bike. Why are you doing this? Why do you do this?”
The thief then returns to the bike, trying – and failing again – to push it over the fence as he angrily retorts: “What do you mean what am I doing, it’s my f***ing job, now f**k off.”
The woman asks him: “What do you mean it’s your job? How much are you getting for that bike when you sell it for your drugs?”
The twisted robber then opts to try and chuck the bike over the gate instead as he bizarrely replies: “Steal it from the f***ing rich and feed the poor love, f**k off.”
The woman then mocks: “What are you, Robin Hood? We are poor, we live in a council house, you stupid idiot.”
The man, unbothered by the woman’s protests says: “Well f***ing lock it or lose it init (sic).”
In disbelief at the stubborn thief’s words the woman says: “But it’s my house, this is my house, it is locked.
“Look at you, big tough man with his little bloody Stanley blade.”
This appears to anger the thief, who once again advances on the woman whilst brandishing the bike above his head.
The woman backs down once more as the criminal kicks a plant pot towards her before dropping the bike and trying to kick the lock off the garden gate.
Undeterred though, the woman continues to mock him, saying: “You little toe rag, look at you, who brought you up? What mother’s yours?
“She needs to go away in prison, bringing you up, little thug.”
Again, the brave woman hilariously mocks the bumbling thief who is still trying to figure out how to get the bike out of the garden.
She exclaims: “Look at you, little toe rag. Look at you, you can’t even get out.
“I’ve rung the police anyway, they’re coming, police are coming, the police are coming.”
The dopey thief then pulls the knife from his pocket again and storms towards the woman, demanding: “Shut your f***ing mouth, shut the f**k up.”
The bloke continues muttering incoherent threats as the unbothered woman says: “Okay, okay, okay, calm down, you’re going to go to prison for 30 years for that are you?”
The fuming thief turns again and makes his way to the gate, angrily throwing his blade into the bushes as he does.
Apparently fed up with the woman’s taunts, the thief abandons his plan on getting the bike out of the garden and instead heads for the fence himself to make his escape.
The woman, brave as ever, continues to mock him: “Oh now you’re escaping are you? Big tough man, oh look at you, big tough man.”
The robber swipes some spikes from the top of the woman’s fence as he tries to climb over as she continues: “That’s it, just break my fence, do some more damage.”
“Look at you, you little thug. Yeah, go on then”
Hilariously, the woman picks up her broom again and begins to beat the now-unarmed thief.
The thief feebly tries to kick out at his victim as the woman chuckles, hitting him once more as she taunts: “Go on then, not so tough now are you little boy?”
The footage was shared to social media yesterday with the caption: “’Calm down, it’s a bike’
“Masked thug pulls out a knife on a brave woman after attempting to steal her bike.”
The clip has since received over 9,100 likes and more than 690 comments from social media users left disgusted by the thief’s actions and praising the woman’s bravery.
One user said: “It’s private property, generally well protected, he’s a thief deserves a few injuries. Where is a farmer with a shotgun when you want one.”
Another added: “This is awful, that poor lady. Nice things are just targets for thieves there.”
A third commented: “The police will probably advise taking down the spikes on the fence, just in case it injures someone.”
Another replied: “I love the lady with her broom. There’s a new Marvel comic hero in the making. She’s class.”