EntertainmentNewsCharity calls on parents and carers to share experiences of poverty

Charity calls on parents and carers to share experiences of poverty

THE Child Poverty Action Group has launched drive to platform the voices of parents and carers in poverty across Scotland.

The Hope starts Here campaign is run as part of The Changing Realities Project in partnership the University of York.

The campaign supports parents to push for the policy changes needed to help protect their children from poverty.

It gives parents the opportunity to share their everyday experiences in online diaries, take part in discussion groups as well as speak directly to policy makers and the media.

Art for the campaign shows signs pointing in multiple directions with positive slogans. Image supplied with release by CPAG.
The campaign wants parents and carers to share their experiences. Image supplied with release by CPAG.

John Dickie, director CPAG in Scotland, said: “While a shocking one in four children are still locked in poverty the new First Minister has clearly said that his number one priority is to eradicate child poverty.

“At the same time a looming Westminster election is already leading to chilling proposals for UK welfare reform utterly at odds with the actual experiences of low-income families trying to make ends meet.

“There could not be a more critical moment to put more of the voices of those at the sharp end at the heart of the debate about what’s needed to end child poverty.”

The project will work with participating parents and carers to develop a UK General Election Manifesto as well to co-produce briefings and events aimed at Holyrood politicians and policy makers in the run up to the 2026 Holyrood elections.

Funded by the Robertson Trust, the Changing Realities project has a history of working with parents and carers across the UK.

The collaboration aims to put the voices of families experiencing poverty at the heart of public debate and political decision-making in Scotland.

Dr Maddy Power, Wellcome Trust Research Fellow at the University of York, said: “We are delighted to be able to work with more parents and carers in Scotland to ensure their experiences and ideas can inform policy.

“Supported by artists, creatives and experienced campaigners we can share experiences of life on a low income in ways that will engage and drive much-needed change.”

As part of the campaign parents have written blogs, shared diary entries and created visual images as part of their campaign to draw attention to the issue of child poverty.

An existing Changing Realities participant based in Scotland, said: “Being part of Changing Realities for the last few years has given me something to look forward to which is just for me.

“Being a single parent I don’t have that much free time and I look forward to having the monthly catch ups with the other parents and the team too.

“We share what is going on in our lives in the discussion’s and what we feel would make our lives a little easier – what changes are needed.

“It has massively helped with my anxiety having people who don’t know me not judging what I am saying.

I would love to see other parents from Scotland get involved and be part of making change happen.”

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