NewsLondoners despair as images emerge of streets littered with dozens of “laughing...

Londoners despair as images emerge of streets littered with dozens of “laughing gas” canisters 

LONDONERS have been left despairing after images emerged of streets in the capital littered with dozens of empty nitrous oxide (NOS) canisters. 

The images, snapped by one local on Tottenham Court Road in Central London, surfaced online yesterday. 

The snaps depict the pavement of the busy public road, across which is strewn a filthy amount of litter and countless canisters of the notorious “laughing gas”. 

Residents have been left appalled by the state of their streets, citing both the dangers of NOS usage and the fact that the street is meant to be one frequented by tourists

The street was left in a filthy state.
The street was left in a filthy state.

The images shone a light on the state of the busy public road in the middle of the capital, clearly showing heavy drug use overnight. 

NOS is also known as laughing gas and is used illegally to get high – but shockingly, canisters of the gas are available to buy in some shops.  

Canisters are emptied into balloons which are then inhaled by users looking for a quick and cheap high. 

The Londoner who snapped the pics claims to have spotted more than 50 empty canisters and multiple discarded balloons.  

Sharing the snap to social media yesterday, the local wrote: “Question… where are we going to end up as a species Londoners.”  

The snaps have since gained over 2,500 likes and more than 700 comments as Londoners were quick to make their outrage at the situation known.  

One user commented: “I saw two dudes randomly pull over by a council building in Southwark two days ago, open the boot and start throwing s**t they stored there (empty bottles, food rubbish etc.)  

“I was f***ing speechless how disgusting people can be.”  

Another added: “I was just thinking the other day that I hadn’t seen these things on the street for a while and the ban was working. 

“Someone obviously jacked a bumper pack and went nuts last night.”  

A third said: “Littering is a big issue but that is much bigger that these kids still has no clue what NOS does to them if they use this regularly. 

“We see so many neurological issues, limb weakness, nerve damage in hospitals and all these patients are around 20 years old, most of them never going to recover ever…looks like educational campaigns not working or they just not care (sic).”  

Another wrote: “I think the worst thing about this photo is the fact it’s Tottenham Court Road. 

“Like these are the roads that are meant for tourists, and this is the s**t they have to see when doing their west ending. 

“It’s just mad how little respect the up and coming have for their home.”  

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