NewsScots locals left furious at disgusting state of Portobello public bathrooms, clogged...

Scots locals left furious at disgusting state of Portobello public bathrooms, clogged “full of junkie debris”  

SCOTS locals have been left furious at the disgusting state of their public bathrooms, which have been cluttered with “junkie debris”.  

Nathan Cameron-Hameed flagged up his disgust over the bathrooms on Bath Street in Portobello, Edinburgh on Monday.  

Nathan highlighted how one of the sinks in the toilets has allegedly been missing for “at least a decade” whilst the rest of the facilities have been left in a sorry state.  

Littered with debris and in a state of disuse, fellow residents were quick to agree with Nathan, and slammed the local council over the issue.   

The public toilets have been left filthy and in a state of disrepair.
The public toilets have been left filthy and in a state of disrepair.

The images of the filthy bathroom shows one of the two sinks in the facility missing completely after apparently having been ripped out of the wall.   

Nathan claims the sink has been missing for at least a decade with no sign that it will be replaced or repaired anytime soon.   

Other images show the floor of the toilets covered in food wrappers, empty alcohol bottles, rubbish and grime.  

Yet more images show a sink filled with used tissue, toilet paper, and even an empty beer can with rubbish being dumped throughout the facility.   

Nathan claims that one of the bathroom stalls is doorless, leaving it wide open to public view and providing no privacy.   

Nathan says he has repeatedly reported the state of the bathrooms to the City of Edinburgh Council but has seen nothing done to resolve the issue.   

He was left begging others on social media to join him in complaining in an attempt to force the Council into action.   

In a post made on Monday Nathan pleaded: “Isn’t anyone else disgusted by the state of the men’s toilets on Bath St?   

“All but one of the sinks have been missing for a decade at least now, closed off cubicle full of junkie debris and general filth, number two is now wide open for all to see.   

“They only have a soap dispenser in there due to me being lucky enough to catch some gent who claimed to be area supervisor or something one day last month and complain about the utter state of it.   

“Regardless of your children’s safety, think of our public image to the god-knows-how-many tourists Porty now gets slammed with each year.   

“I’ve reported it to the council again, but I think if more than just one person actually files a complaint that we maybe could see some sort of result.”   

His plea for help quickly received attention from locals, racking up dozens of likes and comments urging the council to clean up the bog.   

One user said: “Do the council not employ someone to clean it or has that budget gone in the cycle lanes too?”   

Another added: “That is disgusting. Who’s cleaning these?”   

A third wrote: “My god and I thought the women toilets were bad. They look spotless compared to this, I feel sick just looking at this.”   

Another replied: “What a shame. I’ve been to so many places where there are well run public facilities.   

“Surely a basic need for every community, and should be funded by council. Shame on you council.”   

The City of Edinburgh Council has been contacted for comment. 

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