NewsScots left fuming after motorist allegedly parked across whole pavement of busy...

Scots left fuming after motorist allegedly parked across whole pavement of busy Edinburgh street – whilst “staring at phone”

SCOTS have been left fuming after an “entitled” motorist was allegedly snapped parked across the whole pavement of a busy Edinburgh street – whilst “staring down at her phone”.

The woman was spotted parked on the pavement near the foot of Leith Walk, seemingly with her engine off and her attention occupied by her mobile.

The incident comes after the City of Edinburgh Council recently vowed to clamp down on pavement parking in the capital, with a ban punishable by a hefty fine set to come into effect in early 2024.

Locals have since slammed the dopey driver, branding her an “a***hole” with “zero excuse” for the behaviour.

A woman can be seen trying to squeeze past the inconsiderate driver.
A woman can be seen trying to squeeze past the inconsiderate driver.

The image shows a woman sitting in the driver’s seat of a large, black SUV, which is fully parked on the entirety of the pavement outside Knight’s Kitchen on Leith Walk.

Pedestrians can be seen walking on either side of the vehicle, with one woman pushing a pram and guiding her child through the small gap left between the car and the building.

The woman appears to be staring down at the bottom of the steering wheel, where she was allegedly scrolling her phone.

Both front headlights and rear brake lights appear to be off, leaving viewers to believe that the woman’s vehicles is indeed turned off and stationary on the walkway.

The image was shared to social media by an anonymous user on Saturday (11 NOV) with the caption: “After seeing the pavement parking post it made me think of this car on Leith Walk last week.

“Leith Walk already has enough issues without this, the engine was off, and the person was scrolling on their phone, this car was parked. What is wrong with people that you would think this is okay?”

The rant has since received over 240 likes and more than 100 comments from fuming users who left scathing reviews of the woman’s parking abilities.

One user said: “I’d be thinking about walking over the bonnet. Zero excuse for that really.”

Another added: “It’s an Edinburgh driver on Leith walk, it’s a fairly safe assumption that they were behaving like an arsehole.”

A third commented: “SUV driver. Imagine my surprise.”

Another replied: “What an entitled helmet. Can’t believe how anyone would think it’s perfectly acceptable to park like that.”

However, some users defended the driver, pointing out that the pavement crosses the entrance to a junction and suggesting the woman was just trying to make a turn, despite the vehicle’s lights being off and pedestrians seemingly manoeuvring around the SUV.

One person explained: “This post is misleading, that’s a junction for a road, she’s letting people past.

“Leith Walk has a couple points where you have to drive over the pavement to enter some bits. Poor effort at scoring some internet points.”

Another added: “Why did you deliberately take the photo pointing away from the road that they are clearly turning into?”

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