A SCOTS carer has been struck off after being found guilty of plying a 14-year-old child with alcohol before raping them.
Lee McArthur was found guilty of the heinous crime at the High Court in Edinburgh in April and put behind bars.

The beast had previously worked as a team leader at Edinburgh City Council before his actions came to light.
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) struck him from their register last week after finding his fitness to practise impaired.
McArthur was still working for Edinburgh City Council during the summer of 2020 when he assaulted the boy known only as AA.
The SSSC decided that there was evidence that the creep performed oral sex on the child before attempting to engage in anal sex.
The watchdog said: “On 4 July 2020 assault AA, then aged 14 years, induce him to drink alcohol, kiss him, remove his lower clothing… place his penis into your mouth and repeatedly attempt to penetrate his anus with your penis.
“You did thus rape him to his injury, contrary to Section 1 of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009, for which you were convicted at Edinburgh High Court on 25 April 2023.”
McArthur was also found to have “uttered sexualised remarks” and the watchdog told of how there was an “uncontrolled sexual deviancy”.
The SSSC said: “The convictions are of an extremely serious nature.
“It involves the criminal sexual abuse of a child [information redacted]. This demonstrates a marked and willful disregard for the safety and wellbeing of others.
“The behaviour is indicative of a willingness to sexually exploit others and an uncontrolled sexual deviancy which compels you to seek sexual gratification through the rape and sexual exploitation of children.
“The convictions indicate underlying values issues fundamentally incompatible with registration as a social service worker.
“Given the nature of the convictions, we consider that there is a high and foreseeable risk of you repeating the behaviour, in a social care setting and generally, should you continue to be allowed to work in social services.
“If the behaviour were to be repeated this would inevitably result in potentially severe, psychological and emotional harm to service users, colleagues and/or the general public raising significant public protection concerns.”
The SSSC agreed that McArthur’s fitness to practice was impaired.
They stated: “The convictions call into question your fitness to practise as a social service worker.
“The public would lose confidence in the social service profession and in the SSSC as the regulator of social service workers if there was a finding of no impairment and if robust action was not taken.”
McArthur was found to have shown no remorse for his actions.
The SSSC reported: “You have failed to demonstrate meaningful insight, regret or apology.
“The behaviour was deliberate and premeditated. While no detailed information is available, it can reasonably be assumed that the behaviour would or would have resulted in fear and alarm and acute emotional and psychological harm to the victim.”
The panel agreed that a removal was the most appropriate sanction.
They stated: “A warning would not be appropriate because: it would not adequately address the impairment of your fitness to practice.
“The behaviour is extremely serious. A warning would give no protection to service users or the public.
“You have been convicted of sex offences and have underlying values issues. The type of behaviour at issue is not the type of behaviour which conditions would rectify.
“There is no evidence to suggest that you would comply with any condition placed on you by the SSSC.”
The notice came into effect last week.