NewsLocal NewsFamily of man missing for 10 years: "We will keep fighting"

Family of man missing for 10 years: “We will keep fighting”

FAMILY of missing person Allan Bryant is working with charity Missing People to refresh his appeal as today marks 10 years since he disappeared.

Allan was 23 when he was last seen in Glenrothes, Fife, during the early hours of 3 November 2013.  

Allan left his family home address at around 8pm on November 2 to attend an engagement party at Leslie Golf Club, not far from his home.

CCTV image of Allan Byrant's last sighting
This is the last known sighting of Allan Byrant on November 3rd

Later that evening, at around midnight, Allan attended STYX nightclub on Caskiberran Road, about 2 miles from the Golf Club.

Six hours later, at 2:02am on 3 November, Allan was seen on CCTV leaving STYX. This is his last confirmed sighting.

The following day, Allan was reported missing by his mother when he failed to return home. 

Allan has not made any contact with his friends or family since this time, which is out of character.

In an interview with The Missing podcast, Allan’s father recalled that he would always keep in touch, either through text or social media when on a night out. 

Since Allan’s disappearance, his father and the police have developed a few theories which could lead to answers on Allan’s whereabouts. 

His family have actively considered numerous potential lines of enquiry, including a reported disturbance behind Styx nightclub, a black van circling the nightclub shortly before Allan left, and a party at a local residence. 

Allan’s father told The Missing podcast: “No one understands the feeling unless they’ve gone through it.

“Sleepless nights, bad days. It eats you up like a cancer. [It’s the] most horrendous heartbreak.

“[The day he went missing] feels like yesterday.”

He added: “My family are strong, and we will keep fighting for Allan.”  

After ten years without any significant leads in the search, his family are desperate for closure and urges the public to contact the police with any information that could help.  

At the time of his disappearance, Allan was described as White European, 5’ 6” with a slim build. He has blue eyes and has brown short, shaven hair.

Allan also has tattoos on his right upper arm and on both wrists with a name.

He was last seen wearing a VOY t-shirt with 3 bands of colour, navy on top, grey in the middle, white at the bottom; black or dark denim jeans; and grey leather plimsoles. 

To help the search, the public can visit Allan’s appeal on the Missing People website here, where they can report a sighting, download his missing appeal as a poster, and share it.

Missing People’s Publicity Officer Ndella Senghore, said:  “If anyone has any information about Allan’s disappearance, they can contact Missing People’s helpline. 

“Allan, if you are reading this, please get in touch. You can call us on 116 000 or email [email protected].

“Our service is non-judgemental, confidential, and free thanks to support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

“We just want to provide you with the support you need and help you to be safe.”

Their helpline is here to support people who are missing, thinking of going missing, and for loved ones who are left behind.

The helpline is free and confidential and is operated by trained staff and volunteers

Sightings and information about any missing person can be given anonymously through the Missing People website at

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