EntertainmentNewsShocking video shows horse rider's foul-mouthed rant at motorcyclist - who slowed...

Shocking video shows horse rider’s foul-mouthed rant at motorcyclist – who slowed down for her in tunnel

A SHOCKING video captures the moment a horse rider launches a foul-mouthed rant at a motorcyclist – who slowed down for her in a narrow tunnel.

PJ Challenger was out on his motorcycle in Wetton, North Staffordshire on Sunday when, upon entering a tunnel, he realised a horse and its rider were visible at the other end.

The 36-year-old cut his engine and coasted through the tunnel in an effort to avoid scaring the horse, but was instead bizarrely shouted at by the rider who was quick to brand him a “f***ing idiot“.

The video begins with plumber PJ driving down the dark, narrow tunnel on his bike, his headlights illuminating the brick walls on either side.

On-screen text read by an automated voice says: “I see someone at the end of the tunnel, then see it’s a horse so kill the engine – now coasting.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been told off like this.”

PJ slowly coasts through the tunnel, and is about to break through to the light on the other side when the woman, who is guiding her horse with a rope, decides to confront him.

She angrily shouts: “What kind of f***ing idiot are you?”

A confused PJ then replies: “What do you mean?”

The woman, clad in horse riding attire, explains: “Pack it in, there’s other people using this f***ing bit as well you know.”

Baffled, PJ then says: “I’ve just turned it off for you.”

The furious woman walks down the tunnel away from PJ whilst loudly shouting: “Stupid people, do you hear me, do you hear me?”

PJ opts to avoid any further confrontation, instead camly driving off into the surrounding woodland area with the on-screen text reading: “Much love.”

PJ shared the clip to social media yesterday with the caption: “You know I love horses, but this person…not so much.”

PJ Challenger. Credits: Facebook.

The video has since received over 66,000 likes and more than 3,000 comments from users left shocked by the woman’s aggression.

One user wrote: “I would have started revving.”

Another commented: “My anger couldn’t and my throttle would be used.”

A third said: “As a fellow horse rider, that lady was out of order.”

Another commented: “But you’re already in the tunnel, she’s not.”

A fifth replied: “I mean, she also could’ve waited 20 seconds for you to clear the tunnel before entering.”

Speaking today PJ said: “I was surprised to be honest, I’m always really respectful towards equestrians and their horses, and normally they are too.

“Lots of videos show this, she must have been unhappy about something else and I got the brunt of it.

“I’ve been riding a Yamaha MT-09 for just over two years, but driving for nearly 20 years.”

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