BusinessNSPCC counting on children’s TV legend to inspire Scotland schools to support...

NSPCC counting on children’s TV legend to inspire Scotland schools to support maths fun day

CHILDREN’S TV legend Johnny Ball is joining the NSPCC’s call to schools and nurseries across Scotland to take part in a maths-inspired fundraiser this February.

Number Day is an annual event aimed at children in nurseries, primary and secondary schools, with teachers and pupils raising vital funds for the NSPCC while having fun with maths.

Number day (C) NSPCC

This year’s event takes place on 3 February and will see free curriculum-based activities available for schools across the country to download to help liven up their lessons while raising funds for the children’s charity.

Johnny Ball, veteran children’s TV presenter and maths enthusiast, will also be supporting Number Day by providing a series of videos for the NSPCC that will feature activity ideas of his own. Johnny’s videos will be available on YouTube and social media.

He said: “The NSPCC’s Number Day is a great way for all children and schools to celebrate the joy of learning mathematics while supporting such a great cause.

“Maths is an essential part of a child’s education as the ability to count, play with numbers and tackle puzzles, builds confidence and problem-solving thinking – all of which are essential lifelong skills. And most important of all, learning maths is fun.”

Since Number Day was first launched in 2000, it has raised nearly £3 million for the NSPCC. Last year, 5,000 schools got involved with Number Day and raised £400,000.

Funds raised from Number Day could help support vital NSPCC services such as Childline and the charity’s Speak out Stay safe programme, which sees the NSPCC visit primary schools and teach children how to recognise signs of abuse and neglect, and who to talk to if they are worried. Within the last year, 29,359 children from schools in Scotland took part in the NSPCC’s online Speak Out Stay Safe programme.

Registration for Number Day is free through the NSPCC website. Once a school is registered, the NSPCC will provide resources that can be used in the classroom, including new games and activities, such as Dress up for Digits where children and staff can wear an item of clothing with a number on it and make a donation to the NSPCC.

Alan Stewart, Schools Service Manager for NSPCC Scotland , said: “Whether you’re from a school or a nursery, by taking part in this year’s Number Day, not only will you be inspiring children by making maths education fun but you’ll be helping to support the NSPCC as well. 

“This year’s Number Day promises to be our best mega maths fundraiser yet, with NSPCC Rock which is an online times tables competition for schools, and more resources than ever before being made available to schools, thanks to Oxford University Press, Maths on Toast, GoHenry, SchoolOnline and Maths Circle.”

Number Day is also supported by partners including Man Group, OUP and IRIS ParentMail. 

Schools and nurseries can sign up to Number Day for free by visiting the NSPCC’s website at

Any queries in relation to Number Day can be emailed to: [email protected]

Meanwhile further information about Dress Up for Digits and ideas for costumes can also be found on the NSPCC’s website.

Please remember to share your Number Day posts and photos on social media and to include the hashtag #NumberDay.

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