NewsSam Heughan makes Outlander fan's day by teasing that he needs a...

Sam Heughan makes Outlander fan’s day by teasing that he needs a jacket with her face printed on it

OUTLANDER heartthrob Sam Heughan made a fan’s day after teasing that he needs a jacket with her face printed on it.

The 42-year-old Scot made the comment to fan Beatriz Recacha after posing up for photographs with her at an Outlander convention in Glasgow last month.

Beatriz flew to Scotland from Seville, Spain, so she could meet the hunky actor – while wearing a denim jacket with his face printed on the back.

Sam Heughan tweeted about the jacket
Sam Heughan took to Twitter to suggest he needs a jacket too. Credit: Twitter/Sam Heughan

After coming home from her trip, Beatriz tagged Heughan, known for playing Jamie Fraser, in her photo on Twitter last month, prompting the Scot to reply.

She wrote: “Sam Heughan, I’m back from my holidays in Scotland. What a beautiful country you have, hope you liked my jacket.”

The Outlander star replied almost immediately, writing: “Haha terrific, I need one with your face on.”

The response attracted 3,200 likes and over 100 comments from adoring Outlander fans.

One wrote: “Aww that’s so fantastic.”

Another replied: “I think you just made her day.”

A third commented: “Wow Sam, amazing what your fans are doing.”

While one fan added: “How damn awesome, I love it, what an honour.”

Speaking today (THUR), Beatriz said: “I’ve been an Outlander fan since December 2017 when I discovered the TV show.

“We thought it was a great opportunity to let the world know how many Spanish Outlander fans there are and how much we love the books and the tv show.

“I’m an Outlander collector and in June I asked a girl who is an amazing artist to paint a denim jacket with Jamie Fraser’s face for my birthday.

Beatriz tweeted Sam
Beatriz tweeted Sam about her jacket asking for his opinion. Credit: Beatriz Recacha

“What a better place to wear my new jacket than at an Outlander convention in Scotland?

“It was my second convention but my first chance to meet Sam Heughan.

“I met Sam there in Glasgow but in a convention, everything goes really fast.

“You only spend a couple of minutes with the actors. Not enough time to express gratitude or admiration and I was really nervous so I just thought about something that could make him smile.

“When he saw the back of my jacket, he said, ‘Wow! Look at that!’, grabbed me by my shoulders and turn me around so the photographer and people from the staff could see my jacket.

“I thought it was a pity that in one of my photos with Sam nobody could see my face.

“I decided to post the photo and tag Sam on Twitter.

“His response on Twitter I am really happy about that photo and many Outlander Spanish fans feel represented by me which is an honour for me.

“Some of my craziest and creative friends, who are not Outlander fans, want me to send Sam a jacket with my face on it.

“All these have made my holidays something to remember forever.

“Scotland is a beautiful and magical country and its people are nice, kind and funny.

“As Claire Fraser said in the season 2 finale: ‘I have to go back’.”

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