Top Stories"Fair play!" - Hilarious video shows determined bargain-hunter transporting sofa on back...

“Fair play!” – Hilarious video shows determined bargain-hunter transporting sofa on back of mobility scooter

A HILARIOUS video shows a bargain-hunter picking up a two-seater sofa from a seller’s home before loading it onto a mobility scooter to transport home.

Rachael Jones captured the bizarre encounter on her Ring doorbell in Wrexham, Wales on Monday.

The clip shows 32-year-old Rachael helping the man clamber the cream couch over the back of a mobility scooter that appears to be modified.

The pair pull the piece of furniture back and forth until it finally balances on top.

The man then spends a few minutes lying down underneath the couch as he secures the unstable load to his make-shift transporter.

However, whilst attempting to fasten the settee, the sofa tips and topples on top of the helpless bargain hunter below.

Completely trapped, Rachael runs to the man’s rescue and hauls the heavy load to let him escape.

Unhindered by the close call, the man continues to fidget underneath the couch until he believes it’s secure enough to transport.

The man then clambers on top of the sofa and lies face down with his hands grasping to the handle bars ready to steer his makeshift sofa mobile down the road.

He waits for a car to pass before slowly trundling out onto the road and wobbling his way out of shot as the clip comes to an end.

Rachael shared the video on TikTok on Monday, writing: “Last time I give away a free sofa.”

The post has now collected over 36,000 views and more than 1,000 likes.

Hundreds of viewers commented and praised the man for his efforts.

One said: “I’d buy that guy a beer for thinking outside the box and getting it done, fair play.”

Another wrote: “This is not an embarrassment, well done for getting the job done.”

A third commented: “All I see is someone that needs a sofa, doesn’t have a car and tried his best to transport it himself, maybe he didn’t have the funds for a van.”

The man drive the mobility away down the street whilst lying on top of the couch.

A fourth added: “I can’t stop laughing, this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.”

A fifth wrote: “Focus on the solution not the problem, this guy is getting it done.

“He’s got a funny story to tell and a comfy recliner to tell it from.”

Speaking today, Rachael said: “I offered the sofa for nothing and the guy in question arranged to pick it up.

“I offered to help him, it made me laugh. I knew he had not got far to go.

“I laughed as he went all the way down the road.

“Then I realised the ring doorbell caught the funny moment so I thought I’d share the hilarious video.”

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