NewsHealthHow to trust care providers when supporting a relative with dementia becomes...

How to trust care providers when supporting a relative with dementia becomes challenging

Experts share best approaches to dementia care at Cramond Residence event

Watching a loved one struggle on their own in defiance of dementia can stir up feelings of pride in their stoicism as much as grief and sadness in the knowledge that their independence lies in your hands. 

There never really feels a ‘right’ time to take the decision to support a loved one to move into a care home, especially when trying to make sure you have correctly interpreted their desires and wishes.

An added level of stress comes when searching for a suitable care service. With an abundance of information available, it can be challenging to identify a place which will deliver the best care to meet the needs of your loved one and a comfortable place for them to navigate a major change of life.

Overcoming such emotions can be offset by reaching out to experts, in the knowledge that you are acting very much in their best interests and hopefully ensuring they can retain their independent character for longer.

Seeking professional support is also in the best interests those closest to the dementia sufferer – too often they try to shoulder the responsibilities for longer than they should and without fully appreciating the emotional and potential physical impact it has on them.

When someone starts to show signs of dementia it is natural for family and friends to feel responsible to provide the necessary care without outside interventions. It is the natural human response to want to help. 

However, it often becomes clear that expert care provided by a multidisciplinary approach of healthcare professionals is required to provide the appropriate level of care the person needs.

But with so many providers in the sector, it can be baffling to know where to start. 

Making sure that the health care provider explains in detail how they operate and the specific services they are able to provide should all be part of guiding you through what can be a difficult process.

A good provider should be adaptable and willing to offer the scope and length of care that best suits you and your loved one ­– from short pop-in sessions, to providing 24-hour care support and respite care.

That in turn allows carers to cast their professional eye over the health and social care requirements of people they support, in order to create an individualised care plan which will be routinely monitored and re-evaluated.

Promoting independence with the provision of care to individuals is key to ensuring confidence and self-esteem are maintained while living with dementia, boosting both physical and mental health while maintaining a sense of purpose and quality of life.

A clear starting point for any care provider is to have specially trained staff who have the skills to support people with dementia – and it is important to establish a trust with the staff taking on the responsibility of looking after your loved one.

Once the move is complete stress levels will reduce and high levels of personal care and a range of therapeutic activities should allow those with dementia to relax in a safe and friendly atmosphere.

The type of accommodation offered and facilities which are available is something that cannot be overstressed. All too often those living with dementia are placed in environments which are not suitable for providing the appropriate level of care.

Following closely the latest research into dementia, Cramond Residence and its fully qualified staff, have identified how homely environments with neutral interiors is the best approach in offering calm and comfortable surroundings. And providing a range of classes and activities – from art therapy to exercise – provide interactions which promote mental and physical well-being.

This approach is among the topics to be discussed at the “Let’s talk about … Dementia” event at Cramond Residence on the June 18, 2022, between 12.30pm and 4pm, looking at common questions asked about the care of those living with the condition.

Being patient, taking time, having direct conversations, knowing how to make sure individuals feel comfortable eating, enjoying each other’s company and making fresh memories are just some of things to be considered.

  • Are you worried about dementia or caring for someone living with the condition? Come and enjoy an afternoon in the garden at Cramond Residence on the 18 June and get all your questions answered. For full details click here. To register your interest, email: [email protected]
  • To find out more about Cramond Residence, visit: or contact [email protected].

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