NewsAnimal NewsMotorist captures bizarre video of rat chasing cat around in circles

Motorist captures bizarre video of rat chasing cat around in circles

A MOTORIST was forced to pull over after stumbling across a cat being chased around in circles by a huge rat.

Aoghan McConnell was shocked by the strange altercation on a quiet back road in Skryne, County Meath, last week.

The 21-year-old immediately started filming as the persistent rodent jumped around trying to nip the confused black and white cat.

In the clip, the rat is shown lunging forward at the feline who keeps running away.

At one point the cat quickly shuffles backwards as it swings its tail away from the raging beast.

They go round in four full rotations before the cat manages to distance itself from the unlikely pursuer.

The cat then stops and sits down as the pair stare at each other after the dispute finishes.

The stand off lasts a moment of seconds until the rat decides to slowly retreat into the longer grass at the side of the road.

The cat then follows closely behind its attacker before the clip comes to an end.

Aoghan had to stop the car when he saw the two animals squaring off.
Aoghan had to stop the car when he saw the two animals squaring off.

Aoghan thought the bizarre squabble was hilarious so shared it on TikTok shortly afterwards.

The clip has since went viral with over 7.7 million views and 1.5 million likes.

More than 20,000 viewers have commented on the amusing clip.

One said: “The cat forgot to cat.”

Another wrote: “I like how they move over and look guilty like they know they shouldn’t be playing in the road.

A third added: “Jerry wasn’t in the mood.”

While one person commented: “Either they switched souls or maybe both of them are broken.”

And another viewer said: “‘Why were you late to work? I was stuck behind a rat chasing a cat’.”

The rat got the better of the cat
The rat got the better of the cat.

Speaking today, Aoghan said: “I was just driving down the backroad to home and had to stop to watch this.

“I thought I better record this because I thought it was mad.

“After the video ends they went chasing each other around my car and I eventually just took off when they were behind me.”

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