A NURSERY TEACHER has been left devastated after their fourth holiday this year was cancelled due to an incorrect Covid-19 fit to fly test that cost £335.
Elizabeth, and her husband Neil Skinner with their two daughters Amelia Skinner 14 and Delilah Skinner, 10 were set to jet to Ibiza on Monday but were unable to go due to false positive test results in the airport.
The Norwich based family got the tests 48 hours before jetting to Ibiza at a test centre in Norwich, Norfolk County.

The results came back at 3am on Monday claiming they were both positive leaving the mum of two confused as she gets tested twice a week for work and had not yet tested positive.
Elizabeth immediately called the NHS to book another test and went that morning with the test results coming back negative for Covid-19 the following day.
The UK government website states: “It is possible for PCR tests to remain positive for some time after COVID-19 infection.”
This is the fourth family holiday cancelled in the past year, three due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Speaking today the 38-year-old said: “We were going to Ibiza, it’s the fourth holiday we had planned since last summer as the previous three were cancelled.
“The lab then couriered the tests to the Oncologica lab in Cambridge the same day.
“The tests were £358, plus we lost money for parking at Gatwick.
“I own a nursery in Norwich. I was going with my two daughters and husband. My oldest daughter and I needed the PCRs.
“We both tested positive and then both tested negative with the NHS. I complained to the company and they’re just being evasive.
“We were supposed to be flying out on Monday and because it’s the Balearics you need a negative test 48 hours before flying.
” We managed to find a same day local service to get tested, the two tests cost £190 each.
“We got the test results back at 3am and were due to leave at 7am for our flights at 4pm from Gatwick.
“I have been working all through the pandemic, running my nursery and completing my teacher training which has been like working two full-time jobs.
“So I was really looking forward to having some time away with the family.
“I get tested twice a week for my job and have never been positive. We booked the NHS test and got tested hours after receiving the positive result which came back as negative the next day.
“If it had been negative then positive I would’ve believed that, we could have become contagious in that small amount of time.
“For it to happen to both of us and the NHS test to be negative it’s just impossible. It doesn’t make sense.”
“It was £2500 more for the exact same holiday, so yes I booked a different hotel in a different country as couldn’t justify spending that much more.”