EntertainmentFood and DrinkHilarious video shows Scots pooch refusing to share his chicken nuggets

Hilarious video shows Scots pooch refusing to share his chicken nuggets

A HILARIOUS video shows a Scots pooch refusing to share his chicken nuggets with his owner.

Ryan Hynes from Glasgow filmed himself having no luck when trying to get his hands on Leoโ€™s McDonaldโ€™s meal two weeks ago.

The six-year-old Cavapoo was captured growling and barking every time Ryan tried to reach for the food.

In the short clip, the 25-year-old plumbing and heating engineer can be heard saying โ€œGive me a chicken nuggetโ€ before being barked at and put in his place.

Leo is then shown hovering over the McDonaldโ€™s meal and barking every time Ryan attempts to get near his precious meal.

Ryan can be heard saying: โ€œGive me a f*****g chicken nugget you b*****dโ€ and again being shot down by Leo yelping.

At one point the pooch swipes at his owner when he attempts to grab the box containing 20 chicken nuggets.

Ryan and his pup - Scottish News
Ryan and his dog. (c) Ryan Hynes

Ryan finally gives up on his attempts and says: โ€œFine I donโ€™t want one anymoreโ€ branding his pet a โ€œloonyโ€.

Ryan posted the clip on TikTok last month, writing: โ€œIโ€™m not allowed any of his chicken nuggetsโ€ followed by a crying with laughter emoji. 

The clip has been viewed more than 400,000 times and had over 37,000 likes. 

And thousands of viewers left comments on the post

Social media users were in stitches over the pooches performance. 

Keith Drummond said: โ€œDoes the dog not know itโ€™s a share box?โ€ 

Adam Statham said: โ€œI am sorry, but I wouldnโ€™t take that from a dog.โ€ 

Jackie Martin said: โ€œI would put him in time out.โ€

While Tia Jess said: โ€œThe accent makes it.โ€ 

Speaking today (MON) Ryan said: โ€œI put the video up of me trying to get a chicken nugget from Leo which he absolutely loves and the video just went crazy over night.

โ€œHe only has some chicken nuggets when we have a McDonaldโ€™s and heโ€™s only like this with chicken nuggets.โ€

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