EDINBURGH International Festival has come under flames due to a “highly inappropriate” play which trivializes Hindu gods.
Upset Hindus are asking the festival to withdraw the play “Hindu Times” which is scheduled for August 20 and 21.
Hindus feel the play is “highly inappropriate” as it supposedly trivializes highly revered Hindu deities Brahma, Vishnu andhttps://www.deadlinenews.co.uk/2021/06/29/edinburgh-festival-criticised-over-an-inappropriate-play-scottish-news/ Lakshmi.
Rajan Zed (above) called out the Edinburgh International Festival.
Rajan Zed, Hindu statesman and president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, in a statement in Nevada today, said that Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and goddess Lakshmi were meant to be worshipped in temples and home shrines.
Zed said that the play demeans the gods as they are portrayed wrong, the play showcases them as being dragged through the streets of Dundee looking for alcohol and breaking into a closed shop for it.
Zed called out the Edinburgh Festival, saying that as a “world class cultural event” it should not show the play and he urged the festival to apologize for the inappropriate selection.
Mr Zed has urged partners of the Edinburgh International Film Festival to rethink their relationship.
The Hindu statesman also urged partners of the Edinburgh festival, such as the City of Edinburgh Council, Scottish Government, British Council, and the UK Government among many more, to rethink their relationship with the festival.
He also said that Hindus are for free artistic expression, but when their faith is portrayed inappropriately or trivialised, it is not accepted.
A spokesperson for Edinburgh International Festival said: ““Every year, the Edinburgh International Festival invites artists from all over the world with a great range of artistic perspectives. The Hindu Times is a work by respected Scottish artists and we continue to support their work in this year’s Festival programme.”