MORE libraries are set to open across Edinburgh from next week.
The majority of libraries in Edinburgh will be open from June 7 as part of plans for a phased reopening of essential services in the city.
A total of 11 libraries will offer a range of different services as they begin to open up as of next Monday.
A total of 11 libraries across Edinburgh are set to reopen next week.
As of June 7, a total of five libraries in the city will reopen, with a further four on June 14, and two more will reopen on June 17 and 24.
As of the present, seven libraries are already open, including the Central library with the Children’s library.
Craigmillar and Fountainbridge libraries are currently being used as asymptomatic testing centres, but they are planned to return to libraries after the pandemic.
Some libraries Edinburgh are being used for asymptomatic testing centres but are set to reopen as libraries.
Culture and communities convener Cllr Donald Wilson said: “It’s great to see more libraries opening their doors across the city as they are invaluable resources for local communities. Our phased plan means we have been able to reopen them in a measured and cautious way to ensure everyone’s safety.
“Our plans will see a further 11 venues open for a variety of services. Although a number of other libraries are currently covid-19 testing centres I want to assure everyone that they will revert to fully functioning libraries.
“I want to thank all the hard work and efforts from our library and cleaning teams who continue to work tirelessly to get our libraries open and ensure they are safe to use.”
Social distancing measures will be in place when the libraries reopen in Edinburgh including mandatory face masks and bookings for specific services.
You do not need to reserve a slot if you’re returning books, social distancing measures are in place and face masks are mandatory in all libraries.
To browse and borrow books or use a computer, visits will need to be booked online or by calling the library directly.