LIVE entertainment is to come back to Glasgow from July 3 to August 1 in an outdoor festival, ‘Live at No. 40’ organised by the Scottish Opera.
The month-long festival in the city will see entertainment from the Scottish Opera, Citizens Theatre and the Scottish Ensemble at the Scottish Opera’s Production Studio Carpark.
The Scottish Opera are pleased to welcome audiences back after to enjoy the live entertainment.
The Scottish Opera are pleased to welcome back audiences.
The festival will kick off with a Scottish Opera rendition of Verdi’s ‘Falstaf’ which is directed and designed by world-renowned Scot Sir David McVicar.
The orchestra of the Scottish Opera will perform three afternoon concerts including Elgar’s Serenade for Strings, Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No 2 and a range of music for brass and wind.
The Festival finale will be the Scottish Opera’s Young Company performing a rendition of Kurt Weill’s comedy ‘The Tsar Has His Photograph Taken’.
The Scottish Opera’s General Director Alex Reedijk said: “Live at No. 40 is a celebration of the performing arts industry and its resilience over what has been a trying and difficult year.
“We are delighted to have the opportunity to come together with Scottish Ensemble and Citizens Theatre to share our car park and mark what we hope will be the beginning of the return to live performance. Performing outside allows us the greatest chance to make safe shows and share with the most amount of people.
“We can’t wait to welcome audiences back for our selection of performances, to belly laugh, to weep, to be astounded and surprised, in what is sure to be a sensational return to live entertainment.”
The Citizens Theatre will perform a new production of Shakespeare’s ‘The Comedy of Errors’, which is directed by Dominic Hill, the 90-minute show will be lively and provide great entertainment for the audience.
Citizens Theatre’s Artistic Director, Dominic Hill, said: “We are delighted to be invited by Scottish Opera to join this celebratory return to live performance, safely reuniting artists and audiences to rediscover the magic of theatre, opera and classical music.
“We can’t wait to get back on stage and come together again as a community to enjoy a fun Shakespeare comedy in an atmospheric outdoor setting. It will be a joyous moment of reunion.
“While our building continues to be redeveloped, it’s a great opportunity to provide an alternative way to see a Citizens Theatre production this summer.”
The Scottish Ensemble will pair up with Social Bite to perform Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ to provide a community experience of sharing food and listening to music.
The Scottish Ensemble will pair up with Social Bite
Interim Chief Executive at Scottish Ensemble, William Norris, said: “Vivaldi’s Four Seasons is so ever-fresh, so full of contrast, drama and energy that it seems tailor-made for Scottish Ensemble’s first public performances in over a year – and we’re particularly thrilled to be performing it as part of a great example of cultural team-work, working alongside our friends at Scottish Opera and Citizens Theatre.
“As ever though we’re doing things just a little differently and are so excited to be partnering with the homelessness charity Social Bite for these performances – not only will a portion of the proceeds of every ticket purchased goes to support their vital work, but they have devised a mouth-watering picnic that will pair perfectly with Vivaldi’s deliciously good music.”
The pop-up venue has theatre-style seating for audiences of around 150 to bring some sense of normalcy back to theatre outings.