Partner PostsMum-of-three raises enough cash for cancer treatment in Mexico

Mum-of-three raises enough cash for cancer treatment in Mexico

A MUM-OF-THREE who was fobbed off by medics over her pelvis pain that turned out to be tumours has raised enough money for treatment in Mexico.

Jemma McGowan was told by doctors on Monday that she only has one year left and to “get her affairs in order” following the heartbreaking diagnosis.

The 27-year-old from Omagh, County Tyrone had previously fought ovarian cancer but was given the all clear in 2016.

The brave mum has raised over 100K in a day to receive treatment in Mexico- Health News UK
The mum has raised over 100k in a day for life-prolonging treatment- Health News UK –

In 2019, Jemma started experiencing pain in her back and pelvis whilst pregnant with her second child, Louis.

However, medics assured her there was “nothing to worry about” after having clear blood results.

In January this year, whilst pregnant with her third child, Betty, she discovered a lump and was rushed into hospital for an MRI scan.

She delivered her daughter early by C-section and scans later revealed a tumour in Jemma’s left lung as well as three on her pelvic bones.

Jemma has raised more than £109,000 on GoFundMe to fly to Mexico for treatment to prolong her life.

The family have been left heartbroken by the diagnosis- Health News UK
The family from L-R Louis, Jemma, Sadie and Clive (c) Jemma McGowan

On her fundraising page, she writes: “We had a meeting with the oncologist in Belfast to review my latest CT results.

“They have confirmed my worst nightmare that there are new tumours in the pelvic area and pubic bone.

“The lung tumour has shrunk slightly which has given me hope that the tumours can be reduced in size in order to prolong my life.

“So on these grounds, Belfast oncologist team have decided to stop my chemotherapy for now.

“We have been advised to get our affairs in order and been told it is reasonable to believe I have only ONE year to live…How can I be expected to accept that?

“I simply can’t accept it because I have three small children, Sadie is four, Louis is one and Betty is only 15 weeks. 

“I am such a positive person, I live for my family and I have such a zest for life.

“I NEED to be here to see my wee babies grow up and to be their mummy.”

Since smashing her £70,000 target, Jemma added: “We are just so overwhelmed with the support, generosity and messages we have received today in such a short space of time.

“This milestone allows us to get my place booked in Mexico with hopes to start my treatment. 

The brave mum has raised over 100K in a day to receive treatment in Mexico- Health News UK
(c) Jemma McGowan. The mum has raised over 100k in a day for life-prolonging treatment

“My emotions are just exploding right now.

“My family and I have been blessed with the opportunity to get me the chance to be here to see my babies grow up. This is the miracle we have been praying for.”

The fundraising page has seen 4,6000 donors give money towards Jemma’s treatment.

The page has also been inundated with messages of support from well wishers.

Yuk Ling Danika Lee said: “It’s not much but as a mother of two young children too, your story just breaks my heart and I really hope it helps a little with the next part of your journey!”

Gertrude Flanagan said: “As a cancer survivor myself Jemma I hope you get all the treatment you need and that you’ll see your beautiful children grow up.”

Kathy Joyce added: “Extending all my thoughts and prayers to you and your family! My heart breaks reading this but no doubt your strength and courage will help you through.”

Speaking today Jemma said: “We are absolutely overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone in our local community and our wee country! Especially after the tough year it’s been for all. 

“We are now getting everything in motion, trying to get medical records requested & sent to Mexico, a passport for Betty, and trying to reply to the 1000’s of emails of support.”

“I can’t fault my GP Practice, they have been so good to me over the past few years, and when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after my surgery in 2016, I’ve struggled with pain everyday.”

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