NewsCoronavirus NewsPeople's Postcode Lottery players raise £7.5m for charity over past 13 years

People’s Postcode Lottery players raise £7.5m for charity over past 13 years

MILLIONS of pounds raised by lottery players across 13 years has helped a major UK charity ensure there is a “lifeline for vulnerable missing people”.

Missing People, based in East Sheen, Richmond has received £7.5m across 13 years by players of the People’es Postcode Lottery.

The charity has said that during lockdown it saw more vulnerable adults making contact with their helpline, the calls came at a time where the charities finance was also taking a hit.

Piggy bank with money
(Image by Damir Spanic on Unsplash)Postcode Lottery players have reached a total of £7.5 million raised
for charity, Missing People, enabling them to survive year of

Jo Youle, Missing People Chief Executive, said: “£7.5 million is a huge achievement and has ensured there is a lifeline for vulnerable missing people, and we’ve been able to be there when they needed it most.

“During the toughest year for so many people, and a tough year for the charity too, support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery has enabled us to stay open, work remotely, including our amazing helpline team, and support over 9000 people directly affected by missing.’

The national charity provides specialist help and advice to people who are missing or at risk of missing, and the families and friends left behind.

The charity says it exists to ease the heartache experienced by those missing someone, and to help people who are away from home, find their way back to safety.

Laura Chow, Head of Charities at People’s Postcode Lottery said: “The support that Missing People provide is crucial to people all over the country.

“I’m honoured that funding thanks to players has helped the charity operate throughout lockdown, so they can continue to deliver vital services to people who are missing and their loved ones”

For help, advice or support or to pass on information about a missing person, you can call or text -Missing People, confidentially, on 116 000 or email [email protected].

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