Partner PostsMusselburgh family united with long lost wedding album

Musselburgh family united with long lost wedding album

A FAMILY has been reunited with a lost wedding album from 1957 after being tracked down on social media by new homeowners.

Wendy McCarroll discovered the old album at the back of the

attic in her home in Musselburgh, East Lothian last week.

She opened the album to find lovely black and white photographs of a couple on their wedding day and went on a mission to track down the rightful owners.

After posting an appeal on Facebook, Monica Warnock, the daughter of the couple in the photographs, spotted the post and got in touch.

Monica revealed how three families had lived in the house since Monica’s daughter, Michaela Malone had lived there in 2018.

Michaela had tucked the album featuring her grandparents Una Brodie, previously McCann, and Tommy Brodie away and forgot about it.

The couple had married on June 1 1957 but later parted ways before Tommy died in 2011.

However, after being reunited with the treasured wedding album, Monica has been able to show her half brother photographs of his grandmother who he had never seen.

Speaking today Monica said: “My mum and dad split a long time ago. She remarried when she was 60 and gave me the wedding album for safekeeping.

“It was in my daughter Michaela’s house, we did clear out the attic when moving out but someone must’ve missed it.

“They got married in 1957 and I was born two years later in 1959. They married in the catholic church opposite the primary school.” 

She added: “It turned out to be quite a sweet reunion as my dad also remarried and had a son, who is my half brother.

“He had never really been a part of my life but we met when my dad died.” 

“We made contact again but it was thrown off because of the pandemic. So I sent him the picture, it was lovely because he had never seen a picture of his grandmother before or of his dad as a young man.” 

The initial appeal post that Wendy posted on Facebook read: “Found in the attic in a house, in Musselburgh.

“Anyone know who this beautiful couple and family are? Could everyone share this please. Would love to get it back to the family.

She later added: “Thank you all so much for your detective work and lovely messages. Have found the album’s rightful owner.

“Memories like these should be treasured and loved.”

The post was liked more than 100 times and had dozens of comments from followers.

Michaela had commented on the post, writing: “These are my grandparents and it’s such a joy and a surprise to see these beautiful photos, thank you for posting.

“We are looking forward to sharing with my grandmother when my mum picks them up.” 

A family cousin, David Mcann had also spotted the post and recognised his own mother as one of the beaming guests in the photos. 

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